2020-02-26    13'26''

主播: CafeCuore_Elaine

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《邂逅咖啡》的序,说明了作者为什么要深入咖啡产区,带回各种有趣的故事。。。 以下为原文: Coffee, as we know it today, is the outcome of hundreds of years of tradition, from harvesting to brewing: it has been passed on from father to son. The grower manually picks every cherry, the roaster roasts each batch, and the barista grinds and makes each cup.Every process is a synchronised symphony of manual craft that once we see it, it enchants us and opens a world unknown. This bean has been part of East African culture since the thirteenth century, where, as legend has it, a goat herder became fond of the tree when he saw his goats behaving rather enthusiastically after eating the "fruit". From Ethiopia, coffee spread to Egypt and Yemen, where coffee drinking was first evidenced in Sufi monasteries in the middle of the fifteenth century. In Europe coffee drinking was introduced by Venetian merchants, and after an approval from Pope Clement VIII not to ban the drink, the first coffee house was opened in Venice in 1645. Today it has captivated and won a place in the everyday life of most inhabitants in the world. Coffee could be said to be responsible for many major events in human history. Universities started in cafes during the Age of Enlightenment when scholars used to go to the local cafe and give speeches about their beliefs. Also, the French revolution sparked in Parisian cafes because this was the only space where people had the freedom of speech. This beverage has given us the opportunity not only to enjoy a beautiful drink but also create relationships. All around the supply chain, relationships are the driving forces of this industry. There's nothing more captivating than to witness a roaster when he meets the farmer, or when the consumer comes to his everyday cafe and greets his barista. Imagine what would happen when the farmer meets the consumer? This is what COFFEE ENCOUNTERS is about. The origin of the word coffee comes from the Arab truncation of qahhwat al-bun” which means wine of the bean'. Coffee and its culture have followed wine for years and there's a long way to go, but as years pass we also realise the amazing complexity that coffee shares. It is this complexity in harvesting, picking, milling, exporting, roasting, and brewing that makes it imperative to enhance and promote the research in the industry. We want to show the quest each coffee bean goes through from the day it's grown to the end of its journey where it is ground, brewed and served to consumers just like you. This quest is so overwhelming and exiting that it's our responsibility to reveal it and educate the consumer. By educating we can ensure that consumers know the amount of work dedicated to every cup of coffee and in turn appreciate and admire the work involved. COFFEE ENCOUNTERS is a dream that became reality to many involved in the cafe culture; it was a merger of experiences and knowhow from the industry to show how each importer, roaster, cafe and barista have helped to make Australian coffee culture one of the best in the world. This collaborative work involved many months of hard work and tough travelling around most of the coffee growing regions in the world, and as a result publishers, writers, and photographers could witness first-hand the reality of what is coffee. Even though it's a product consumed by most, it grows mostly in third world countries; countries that lack a lot of benefits that the first world is used to. Here we have witnessed poverty; we have seen how pickers struggle to feed their families, we have seen how farmers fight against climate change, frost and disease, and we have observed how the fluctuations in the world markets have affected the businesses of many. We have seen that this industry is very dynamic, and ever changing. This is why it's so captivating and interesting. Most of us involved in the industry have arrived to it by chance, but it has educated us so much that we all respect it and feel grateful to be part of it. Enjoy this journey, just as we all did...