致时间|Ursula K. Le Guin|一首诗歌的时间

致时间|Ursula K. Le Guin|一首诗歌的时间

2019-04-10    02'40''

主播: 黑格子~

2589 19

索伦·克尔凯郭尔曾写写到: “The moment is not properly an atom of time but an atom of eternity,” “Hymn to Time”by Ursyla K. Le Guin- a poem embodying her conviction that “science describes accurately from outside, poetry describes accurately from inside, [and] both celebrate what they describe.” Time says “Let there be” every moment and instantly there is space and the radiance of each bright galaxy. And eyes beholding radiance. And the gnats’ flickering dance. And the seas’ expanse. And death, and chance. Time makes room for going and coming home and in time’s womb begins all ending. Time is being and being time, it is all one thing, the shining, the seeing, the dark abounding. Nicci 译: 时间说,让它存在吧,每时每刻 于是有了这万物空间,银河闪烁 光芒,映入眼眸,飞过舞蚊,夺目江海 死亡不绝,时运不灭 时间,包罗万象,来去过往,循环始终 时间即存在,存在即时间,浑然一体 拥抱光明灿烂,无惧黑暗无边,一切终将得现