

2015-12-15    07'28''

主播: 晴姚

114 4

生活总有让人受不了的时候。实际上,你周围的人对你目前的情绪影响重大。一大早孩子就耍脾气;狗狗昨晚就把屋里弄得一团糟;上班路上的堵车让你欲速不达;终于到了办公室,同事却打电话来请病假……这些事情都可能影响你这一整天的幸福指数...... There are times it is a pretty tough pill to swallow . In reality, the people that surround you have a huge impact on your current mood. When your children are grumpy in the morning, you find a nice pile the dog left you over night, you hit the road and the traffic won’t allow you your normal speed, then when you get to work and your co-worker called in sick… these are all things that might contribute to your overall Happiness of the day.