〈英语〉FACEBOOK CEO :给女儿的一封信

〈英语〉FACEBOOK CEO :给女儿的一封信

2015-12-16    17'14''

主播: 晴姚

239 6

Mark Zuckerberg: A Letter to Our Daughter 马克扎克伯格夫妇写给女儿的一封信 Dear Max: 亲爱的马克斯: Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. 你的降生给我们带来了莫大的希望,我和你母亲一时找不到合适的词语言说。你有一个美好的新生活,我们希望你健康、快乐,充实地度过一生。你的到来已经成为了我们反思的原因,反思什么样的世界才是我们希望你生活的世界。Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. 和天下所有的父母一样,我们希望你成长的世界,好过我们今天的世界。 While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better.Health is improving.Poverty is shrinking.Knowledge is growing.People are connecting. 虽然新闻总是报道哪里出了问题,但从很多方面看,世界正在往好的方向发展。卫生水平在改善、贫困人口在减少、知识在积累、人与人彼此联通。Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. 每个领域的科技进步都意味着你的生活应该比我们今天好得多。We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation. 我们将努力实现这个目标,这不仅仅是因为我们爱你,也因为我们对所有下一代孩子拥有道义上的责任。