

2015-10-30    09'34''

主播: Sookie元媛

3286 15

Snow White Princess 亲爱的家长,孩子们。济南Sookie 有声亲子英语杂志从今天开始推出原版英文绘本故事《白雪公主》。这个故事广为人知,我们就在熟悉的故事中,感受英文原版的魅力吧!万圣节马上就要来了,提前祝大家节日快乐! 故事文本: In a far away kingdom,there lived a kind and beautifu queen. One snowy day she sat embroidering by an open window. She accidentally pricked her finger and a single drop of blood fell on the snow. Looking at it, the queen though."How I wish I could have a child with skin as white as snow ,hair as black as ebony,and lips as red as cherry." In time,the queen's wish came true. She gave birth to a baby girl with snow-white skin,cherry red lips,and hair as black as ebony. The queen named the baby Snow White. Unfortunately, the quneen died soon after and never saw her daugher grow up.