

2015-11-16    10'26''

主播: Sookie元媛

884 10

有声节目:蛋糕版乔治小王子,怎么舍得吃掉它 2015-11-16 SOOKIE Sookie有声英语杂志 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉它 作者: 来源:BBC 10:35 sookie 亲子双语播节目试听。 来自Sookie有声英语杂志 点击上面收听音频节目哦! 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉他!(图)   Amateur baker Lara Mason has licked the competition with a life-size cake fit for a future king.   业余爱好烘焙师劳拉·梅森凭借其跟未来国王等身大的蛋糕作品在一比赛中折得桂冠。   Lara, 29, originally from Northern Ireland, made a 3ft (91cm) sponge replica of Prince George that won gold in the Cake International competition.   29岁的劳拉,来自北爱尔兰,制作了3英尺(91厘米)蛋糕版乔治王子,获得国际蛋糕大赛冠军。 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉他!(图)   "Prince George is one of the most famous children and I wanted to do my nod to the Royal Family," she told BBC NI's Good Morning Ulster.   劳拉告诉BBC NI's Good Morning Ulster:“乔治王子是最知名的孩童之一——而且我想向皇室家族表达我的敬意。”   George, dressed in his red shorts and white shirt - the outfit he wore for his baby sister's christening - took about 30 hours to create.   制作穿着红色短裤和白色衬衫蛋糕版的乔治(这套衣服是他在妹妹的洗礼仪式上穿的)花了大约30个小时。   He took gold at the competition at Birmingham's NEC arena at the weekend.   本周末,在伯明翰NEC赛场上进行的比赛中,这件作品获得了金奖。   小编附赠:蛋糕虽然萌萌哒~但是这个制作过程略暗黑的令人发指…… 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉他!(图) 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉他!(图) 蛋糕版乔治小王子:怎么舍得吃掉他!(图) 更多节目请下载荔枝FM,收听FM1828878(Sookie亲子双语播)