献给即将步入30岁的迷茫的盆友们<Never grow old>

献给即将步入30岁的迷茫的盆友们<Never grow old>

2015-11-18    10'45''

主播: Sookie元媛

658 11

【SOOKIE ENGLISHI】 献给即将步入30岁的迷茫的朋友《Never Grow Old》 2015-11-18 周元媛 Sookie有声英语杂志 Never Grow Old The Cranberries - Wake up and Smell the Coffee Hello,my friends,you now are listening to LIZHI FM1828878.This is Sookie speaking,welcome to Sookie english. 您现在收听的是荔枝FM1828878,Sookie亲子双语播,不管你喜欢不喜欢音乐,懂不懂时尚,会不会英语,总有一期节目适合您!节目内容图文请关注,Sookie 亲子英语杂志 微信公众号查看历史资料。 朋友间三五好友约在一起,一起吃饭,聊聊八卦,聊聊心情,是一件特别惬意的事情。但是昨天和一位好友闲聊,却有些伤感。她说不知为什么,过了30周岁生日那天以后,突然觉得自己老了,好像一切都不是从前了。 Friends are together, eat, chat, talk about the mood is a particularly pleasant thing. But yesterday a friend and I had a date, we feel a little sad. She said :'I do not know why, after 30 years of birth, suddenly feel that I am old, as if everything is diffrent . SOOKIE开导了她好长时间,却也无力改变她本身的感觉,可能30岁对于每个人确实是个关卡吧! Sookie enlighten her for a long time, but also unable to change her feeling, May be 30 years old for each person is indeed a difficult time! 今天SOOKIE 就做了一期节目送给这位好友,同时也送给过了30岁和即将步入30岁的所有朋友,我们无力控制岁月的流逝,但是我们可以互相陪伴一起长大,从某种意义上说,心态更重要,不是吗? Today, SOOKIE made a program as a gift to my friend, but also to all of the 30 year old and about to enter the 30 year old friends, we can not control the time , but we can grow together with each other.In a sense ,the mentality is more important, is not it? 今天就和大家分享一首特别好听的民谣,希望大家永远保持一个年轻的心态。 是The Cranberries《wake up and smell the coffee》《在咖啡香中醒来》的一首歌曲,当你感觉时间过得好快的时候,感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴,这时候你可以听听这首英文歌曲。 I had a dream,Strange it may seems; 我做了一个梦, 尽管看来很奇怪; It was my perfect day,Open my eyes; 那是我完美的一天,睁开双眼; I realize this is my perfect day ; 这是属于我的完美一天; Hope you never grow old,Hope you never grow old ; 愿你青春永驻,愿你青春永驻; Hope you never grow old,Hope you never grow old ; 愿你青春永驻,愿你青春永驻; Do ...Do ... Birds in the sky,They look so high; 鸟在天空翱翔,是那么的高; This is my perfect day,I feel the breeze; 这是属于我的完美一天,微风拂面; I feel it is,This is my perfect day; 感觉告诉我,这是我完美的一天; Hope you never grow old,Hope you never grow old; 愿你青春永驻,愿你青春永驻; Hope you never grow old,Hope you never grow old; 愿你青春永驻, 愿你青春永驻; Forever young,I hope you stay forever young; 永远年轻,我希望你青春永驻; Do ...Do ... 本节目音频请大家收听 荔枝FM1828878