Fight song

Fight song

2016-09-15    03'21''

主播: Sherlovy

408 24

like a small boat on the ocean 像是汪洋中的一叶扁舟 sending big waves into motion 也能掀起惊涛骇浪 like how a single word 像是在只言片语 can make a heart open 也能打开紧闭的心房 i'm only have one match 我唯有一根火柴 but i can make an explosion 却能照亮整个天空 all those things i didn't say 那些曾埋藏心底 wrecking balls inside my head 我不曾言说的烦恼 i'm screaming aloud tonight 我将在今夜大声歌唱 can you hear my voice tonight 你是否会听到我释放自我的呐喊
上一期: Everybody
下一期: Evaporate