小播有话说:Alessia 狂野的声线加上DJ Zedd的电音,小播不得不说小播的耳朵怀孕了! Waiting for the time to pass you by 等待着你擦身而过的一刻 Hope the winds of change will change your mind 期望着风向的改变能让故事转折 I could give a thousand reasons why 我能找出千万理由 And I know you, and you've got to 而我知道你也同样会走 Make it on your own, but we don't have to grow up 我会让你自己决定但你我没必要故作成熟 We can stay forever young 我们能让时间就此停留 Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola 如往常般窝进沙发喝着可乐和朗姆酒 Underneath the rising sun 在望着朝阳初升的时候 I could give a thousand reasons why 我能找出千万理由 But you're going, and you know that 但眼看你就要放手你明知道 All you have to do is stay a minute 你只需要再为我片刻停留 Just take your time 别再急着走 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以你可否停留 All you have to is wait a second 你只需要再为我稍停片刻 Your hands on mine 把手给我紧握 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以能否就此停留 All you have to do is 而你需要做的 All you have to do is stay 你需要做的就是留下来别走 Won't admit what I already know 不愿承认那些既定的所有 I've never been the best at letting go 我从来都不太懂该如何放手 I don't wanna spend the night alone 我不愿漫漫长夜却只能独自消磨 Guess I need you, and I need to 我想我需要你而我也需要 Make it on my own, but I don't wanna grow up 自己决定一切但我却不愿面对不愿成熟 We can stay forever young 我们能让岁月就此停留 Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola 如往常般窝进沙发喝着可乐和朗姆酒 Underneath the rising sun 在望着朝阳初升的时候 I could give a million reasons why 我能找出千万理由 But you're going, and you know that 但眼看你就要放手你明知道 All you have to do is stay a minute 你只需要再为我片刻停留 Just take your time 别再急着走 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以你可否停留 All you have to is wait a second 你只需要再为我稍停片刻 Your hands on mine 把手给我紧握 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以能否就此停留 All you have to do is 而你只需要 All you have to do is stay 你只需要就此停留 All you have to do is stay 你需要做的就是留下来别走 So stay, yeah 所以就留下来吧 All you have to do is stay a minute 你只需要再为我片刻停留 Just take your time 别再急着走 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以你可否停留 All you have to is wait a second 你只需要再为我稍停片刻 Your hands on mine 把手给我紧握 The clock is ticking, so stay 时间滴答走所以能否就此停留 All you have to do is stay 你只需要就此停留
上一期: All time low
下一期: Issues