Solo dance

Solo dance

2017-04-23    02'55''

主播: Sherlovy

676 31

小播有话说:哇咔咔,首先小波三鞠躬,感谢各位的聆听,有了收听量破万的突破,此处应有掌声! 本期节目小播怀着感恩的心为大家献上solo dance。除了动感的曲调外,很爱这首歌所描绘的人生态度。 I came the party on my own。Don't need nobody in my soul。简言之便是我的地盘我做主,不依赖与他人,不困顿于外界的言论,我就是我,不一样的烟火。 Solo Dance - Martin Jensen In the faded light you touch my body 阑珊灯影中我感到你的触碰 I can feel your hands on my skin 你的手在我的肌肤上游走 Think you got me right where you're around me 你以为我享受你的追捧 But you're just in my way 但不好意思你只是挡了我的路 I came the party on my own 我独自一人来开派对 Don't need nobody in my soul 我的地盘不许别人踏入 I get on to the beat I lose control 我随着节奏摇摆放浪形骸 Yeah oh I go solo 没错我就喜欢一个人 But you can cool it down 别紧张放松点 I need to fool around 我来这不是调情的 Just wanna dance dance dance 我只想旋转跳跃闭着眼 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇 I know you want me 我知道你渴望得到我 But I don't care baby 对不起这关我什么事 Just wanna dance dance dance 我只想旋转跳跃闭着眼 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇 In the shade of night you're moving closer 阑珊灯影中我感到你的触碰 We're on our way to cross the line 我们就快要越界 Think you got me right where you walk me 你以为我享受你的追捧 But it's all in your mind 但这只是你的完美幻觉 I came the party on my own 我独自一人来开派对 Don't need nobody in my soul 我的地盘不许别人踏入 I get on to the beat I lose control 我随着节奏摇摆放浪形骸 Yeah oh I go solo 没错我就喜欢一个人 But you can cool it down 别紧张放松点 I need to fool around 我来这不是调情的 Just wanna dance dance dance 我只想旋转跳跃闭着眼 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇 I know you want me 我知道你渴望得到我 But I don't care baby 对不起这关我什么事 Just wanna dance dance dance 我只想旋转跳跃闭着眼 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇 Dance dance dance 跳舞不停歇
上一期: Breathless
下一期: Nothing hurts like this