Pretty girl

Pretty girl

2017-05-30    03'39''

主播: Sherlovy

1711 79

小播有话说: 过了一周小播又和大家见面啦!祝大家端午节快乐! 本期两首歌推荐一位新歌手叫做Maggie Lindemamn。她的嗓音有一种独特的撕裂感,沧桑而又悲凉。但讲真,这妹纸长得超好看。 歌曲:Pretty Girl 歌手:Maggie Lindemann 所属专辑:Pretty Girl I can swear, I can joke 我会发誓,也会开玩笑 I say what's on my mind 我心里想什么就会说什么 If I drink, if I smoke 如果喝酒,如果抽烟 I keep up with the guys 我就会紧跟男孩子们的脚步 And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world 然后你会看到我向全世界竖起中指 Fuck your ribbons and your pearls 去他的奢侈品和珠宝 'cause I'm not just a pretty girl 因为我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I'm more than just a picture 我不只是是照片里的样子 I'm a daughter and a sister 我还是女儿和姐姐 Sometimes it's hard for me to show 只是有时候难以解释 That I'm more than just a rumor 我才不是八卦谣言里所说的那样 Or a song on your computer 更不是你电脑里的某一首歌 There's more to me than people know 人们看到的并不是全部的我 Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich 我偶尔破产,偶尔又会很富有 Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch 我有时善解人意,有时却很绿茶婊 Some days I'm strong, some days I quit 我会内心无比强大,但也会难过无助 I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit 我只是不表现出来,可是鬼知道我经历了什么 I can swear, I can joke 我会发誓,也会开玩笑 I say what's on my mind 我心里想什么就会说什么 If I drink, if I smoke 如果喝酒,如果抽烟 I keep up with the guys 我就会紧跟男孩子们的脚步 And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world 然后你会看到我向全世界竖起中指 Fuck your ribbons and your pearls 去他的奢侈品和珠宝 'cause I'm not just a pretty girl 因为我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I'm more than just a number 我不只是一串电话号码 I'm a hater, I'm a lover 我会恨,我会爱 Sometimes it's hard for me show 只是有时候难以解释 That I'm more than just a title 我才不只是一篇走红的文章 Or a comment going viral going viral 或一条评论 There's more to me than people know 人们看到的并不是全部的我 Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich 我偶尔破产,偶尔又会很富有 Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch 我有时善解人意,有时却很绿茶婊 Some days I'm strong, some days I quit 我会内心无比强大,但也会难过无助 I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit 我只是不表现出来,可是鬼知道我经历了什么 I can swear, I can joke 我会发誓,也会开玩笑 I say what's on my mind 我心里想什么就会说什么 If I drink, if I smoke 如果喝酒,如果抽烟 I keep up with the guys 我就会紧跟男孩子们的脚步 And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world 然后你会看到我向全世界竖起中指 Fuck your ribbons and your pearls 去他的奢侈品和珠宝 'cause I'm not just a pretty girl 因为我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 Yeah I'm not just a pretty girl 是的我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I'm not just a pretty girl 我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 No I'm not just a pretty girl 没错我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I can swear, I can joke 我会发誓,也会开玩笑 I say what's on my mind 我心里想什么就会说什么 If I drink, if I smoke 如果喝酒,如果抽烟 I keep up with the guys 我就会紧跟男孩子们的脚步 And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world 然后你会看到我向全世界竖起中指 Fuck your ribbons and your pearls 去他的奢侈品和珠宝 'cause I'm not just a pretty girl 因为我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I'm not just a pretty girl 我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 Yeah I'm not just a pretty girl 是的我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 No I'm not just a pretty girl 没错我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单 I'm not just a pretty girl 我可不仅仅是长得漂亮这么简单
上一期: Couple of kids
下一期: Giants