性史对话3 产后抑郁与歇斯底里症 gender and psychiatry

性史对话3 产后抑郁与歇斯底里症 gender and psychiatry

2021-02-15    63'58''

主播: Lizlynn

297 1

第三期 讨论女性精神疾病 尤其是维多利亚时期的女性产后抑郁与歇斯底里症hysteria的构建。可能因为周围朋友或长辈患有产后抑郁与精神疾病的情况十分普遍 我看到过她们的艰辛 前半部分的讨论有些沉重和沉闷。寻找欢乐的听众可以直接跳到24分钟左右对历史时期歇斯底里症的讨论,通过讲“野史”,很主观的讨论了充满浪漫主义色彩的维多利亚电影和国内“穿越”剧。希望大家喜欢。参考书目附上: • Hilary Marland, ‘Disappointment and desolation: women, doctors and interpretations of puerperal insanity in the nineteenth century’, History of Psychiatry, 14 (2003), pp.303-20. • Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, ‘The hysterical woman: sex roles and role conflict in 19th century America’, Social Research, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Winter 1972), pp. 652-678。 • Elizabeth Lunbeck, ‘A new generation of women’: progressive psychiatrists and the hypersexual female, Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Autumn, 1987), pp. 513-543.