【2015-11-27,五】ESL Podcast 1159 – Describing the Fit of Clothing

【2015-11-27,五】ESL Podcast 1159 – Describing the Fit of Clothing

2015-11-30    20'10''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

1743 216

Does this dialogue make me look fat? Find out in this episode. Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:45 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialog: 18:42 Vera: How do these pants look on me? Wang: Uh, aren’t they a little too tight? They look like they’re cutting off circulation in your legs. Vera: They’re a little snug, but they show off my curves, don’t they? Wang: I suggest going up a size. Something a little less form fitting would be a lot more comfortable. Vera: I’m not going for comfort. I’m going for style. Wang: Here, try these pants. They’re looser and offer more room. Vera: These don’t show my shape at all. They’re not in the least flattering. Wang: But you can move in them without busting a seam. Vera: You’re missing the point. I want to look good in these pants no matter what. Wang: Spoken like a true slave to fashion! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse