

2015-10-31    05'12''

主播: 怀思

96 1

Mandate Of Heaven Revoked 废黜的天命 作者: Romaine 翻译: 万水千山 I can no longer return to the accursèd land 我再也不能回到那已下咒土地 I hold dearer than my life. 我紧攥着胜过攥住我的生命 We are fools - 我们是多么的愚蠢啊 - I being the more foolish of the two - 我是我们俩中最愚蠢的傻瓜 Thinking It possible to cross all borders with immunity. 思考着穿越所有国界而不被惩罚 Let us then face facts before the cock crows 在公鸡打鸣前面对现实吧 For the final time. 为了最后的时刻 There was never going to be a happy ending, 永远也无法有个开心的结局 Nor even a sad ending, for that matter. 甚至也不会有一个伤心结局 Those are the stuff of the real world. 这就是这个真实的世界 Blinded by hope and desire 希望与欲望蒙住了双眼 I would now settle for one or the other 一个接一个的烦恼需要去解决 So long as there is an ending; 只要有个结局 So long as I can laugh or grieve my fate. 只要我能开怀一笑或是抚慰我的宿命 But we only know beginnings 然而我们只能看到序幕 In this time warp existence of ours. 此刻,扭曲了在世的我们 We live in the Never Never, 活在当下 虚无 虚无 Never having paid the devil his due, 未曾向恶魔献祭 Having pawned our patrimony 已将我们的遗产典当 For love. Bad bargain! 仅仅因为爱 多么糟糕的交易 As I said, we are fools. 一如所说,我们是多么愚蠢 Now we are left only with the baggage - 我们只带着行囊离开 The luxurious baggage of memory and loss - 那满是回忆和遗憾的行囊是多么的奢侈 - Baggage that will never be loaded into the cargo hold Of any vessel here on earth. 它再也不会在地球上整装待发 The ten thousand and one Balls of red twine you gave me, 你送我的一万零一只小球已用红线窜起 The ten thousand kilometre lifeline 那是我一万公里的生命线 So I may find my way home 或许我会找到回家的路 Spills from the slaughterhouse of my heart 我的心就如那屠宰场 On to the hungry soil that writhes beneath my gaze. 血水渗入饥饿的土壤 在我眼前挣扎 Useless gestures both; of no consequence. 绝望的挥舞着手势,毫无用处 Well, here we are at last 好吧,结束吧,我们在这里 At the "grand carrefour" of No Man's Land 就在那不毛之地 “大家乐福” Our forsaken lips forfeiting our parting mantra: 悲情的双唇丧失了别离的咒语 "See you, same time next year, my love." “再见了,明年此刻再会,我的爱人” The Mandate of Heaven has been revoked. 天命已经被废黜 2015.10.28