

2017-12-14    08'26''

主播: 100篇最美英语晨读美文|英语美文

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At this moment you could be anywhere, doing anything.Instead you sit alone before a screen.此刻,你本可以在任何地方做任何事,但你却独自坐在屏幕前。So what'sstopping us from doing what we want? Being where we want to be?究竟是什么在阻碍我们做想做的事,到想去的地方?Each day wewake up in the same room and follow the same path, to live the same day asyesterday.每天我们都在同样的房间醒来,遵循同样的生活轨迹,过着和昨天同样的生活。Yet at one timeeach day was a new adventure. Along the way something changed.曾几何时每一天都是一场新的冒险。然而某种改变发生了。Before our dayswere timeless, now our days are scheduled.曾经的一天没有时间的束缚,如今的一天却被各种计划占据。Is this what itmeans to be grown up? To be free? But are we really free?难道这就是长大后的生活?我们追求着所谓的自由,可是我们真的自由吗?Food, water,land. The very elements we need to survive are owned by corporations.食物、水、土地。我们需要的生存元素都被大企业垄断。There's no foodfor us on trees, no freshwater in streams, no land to build a home.树上没有食物,河里没有清水,没有土地来建造家园。If you try andtake what the Earth provides you'll be locked away. So we obey their rules.如果你尝试享用地球所供给的东西,你就已经被关在了牢笼之中。于是我们服从他们的规定。We discover theworld through a textbook.我们通过教科书来了解世界。For years wesit and regurgitate what we're told.多年来我们坐着机械式地被灌输千篇一律的知识。Tested andgraded like subjects in a lab.像试验品一样被测试和评分。Raised not tomake a difference in this world, raised to be no different.不被抚育去改变世界、做与众不同的人。Smart enough todo our job but not to question why we do it.聪明到能够完成眼下的工作却从不质疑为什么要这样做。So we work andwork, left with no time to live the life we work for.于是我们不停地工作,无暇享受自己心目中追求已久的生活。Until a daycomes when we are too old to do our job.直到肉体衰老无力行动。It is here weare left to die. Our children take our place in the game.我们的一生就会在此止步,而我们的孩子则会代替我们继续这一场游戏。To us our pathis unique, but together we are nothing more than fuel. The fuel that powers theelite.我们总觉得自己的人生是独特的。但我们加在一起不过是燃料而已——驱动着精英们的燃料。The elite whohide behind the logos of corporations. This is their world.那些隐藏在大企业商标后的精英们,这是他们的世界。And their mostvaluable resource is not in the ground. It is us.他们最有利的资源不在地下,而是我们。We build theircities, we run their machines, we fight their wars.我们建造他们的城市,操作他们的机器,残杀于他们的战争。After all,money isn't what drives them. It's power.说到底驱动他们的不是金钱,而是权利。Money is simplythe tool they use to control us.金钱只是他们用来控制我们的工具而已。Worthlesspieces of paper we depend on to feed us, move us, entertain us.是那几张用来满足我们温饱、交通、娱乐的毫无价值的纸张。They gave usmoney and in return we gave them the world.他们付钱给我们,而我们却把整个世界拱手相让。Where therewere trees that cleaned our air are now factories that poison it.曾经为我们进化空气的森林,如今成为了一座座污染大气的工厂。Where there waswater to drink, is toxic waste that stinks.曾经我们取水而饮的清澈河流,现在却被臭气熏天的有毒废料占据。Where animalsran free, are factory farms where they are born and slaughtered endlessly forour satisfaction.曾经动物们自由奔跑的土地,成了无限养殖屠杀动物的工厂化农场,以饱我们口腹之欲。Over a billionpeople are starving, despite us having enough food for everybody.我们的粮食能够喂饱全世界,但却有超过十亿人每天在忍饥挨饿。Where does itall go? 70% of the grain we grow is fed to fatten the animals you eat fordinner.它们都到哪里去了?70%我们种植的谷物都用于喂给了我们要吃的动物。Why help thestarving? You can't profit off them.为什么要帮助饥民们?你不能从他们身上获利。We are like aplague sweeping the