葱老师旅游英语口语 008 行李提取

葱老师旅游英语口语 008 行李提取

2018-12-11    05'54''

主播: 葱小张

255 3

葱老师旅游英语口语 008 行李提取 1. Where is the luggage pickup spot? 行李提取处在哪里? 2. Which conveyor belt will my luggage be on? 我的行李在哪条传送带上? 3. I lost a piece of luggage. 我丢失了一件行李。 4. Could I check the plane for a carry-on mine? 我能查查飞机上是否有我一件随身携带的行李吗? 5. What happens if I get the wrong luggage? 如果我领错行李了会怎么样?