

2024-01-06    05'38''

主播: Albert说英闻

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关注公众号【Albert英语研习社】,0元报名《周一到周六  英语思维风暴营》直播大课,Albert带你巧用英语思维,轻松突破听说读写译。   Harbin, the renowned "ice city" in northeast China, has recently garnered attention for its skyrocketing popularity among tourists, particularly from the southern regions of the country.  These visitors have been bestowed with a unique nickname ‘nanfang xiaotudou’ or ‘southern spuds,’ which is a playful nod to the shorter stature of southern Chinese people who resemble potatoes when dressed in winter attire.  The surge in tourism was largely fueled by the allure of Harbin’s spectacular Ice and Snow Festival, which is a testament to the city’s remarkable capacity to transform the biting chill of winter into a spectacle of art and creativity.  The festival usually closes at the end of February, but only if Mother Nature doesn't provide a warm spell before then.  主播:周邦琴Albert ●没有名牌大学背景,没有英语专业背景 ●没有国外留学经历,没有英语生活环境 ●22岁成为500强公司全球员工英文讲师 ●24岁自学成为同声传译 ●25岁为瑞士联邦总统翻译