By The Grace of God

By The Grace of God

2016-05-28    04'27''

主播: crime&alone

34 0

《By The Grace Of God》是美国流行乐歌手Katy Perry收录于第三张录音室专辑《Prism》中,发布于2013年10月22日。 2015年2月9日在格莱美颁奖礼上进行Katy perry现场演唱了这首歌曲,不禁使现场观众潸然泪下。 歌词: Was 27 surviving my return of Saturn 这是吾之真身-农之神的第二十七次荣耀回归 A long vacation didn't sound so bad 看似久远的旅途却异彩纷呈 Was full of secrets locked and tied like iron melting 如烙铁熔铸般冗杂封印的秘密 Running on empty so out of gas 拼命逃往空旷安宁之地以摆脱毒气之险 Thought I wasn't enough 也曾认为自己无法寻觅到 found I wasn't so tough 也曾认为自己如浮萍般凌弱 Laying on the bathroom floor 躺在浴室的地板上放空自己 We were living on a fault line 吾们也曾游走在深渊之际 and I felt the fault was all mine 而吾终于意识到如今的深渊是吾一手铸成 Couldn't take it anymore 无法轻易言说 无法重新来过 By the grace of God 承蒙上帝赐予的无上荣光 (There was no other way) 吾们已无路可退 I picked myself back up 吾拾起支零破碎的残躯再次奋战 (I knew I had to stay) 吾知道吾之宿命便是驻守于此 I put one foot in front of the other and I 在吾深感茫然的未来吾迈出了命运足迹的第一步 Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 仔细凝视镜中的孤影 吾便决心驻守 Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way 吾不会再如曾经般执拗让爱的荣光带吾逃离 I thank my sister for keeping my head above the water 言谢吾之姊妹将吾之头颅溺于圣水之中 When the truth was like swallowing sand 当隐匿极深的真相如云雾般淡现之时 Now, every morning, hope there is no more mourning 时机已到 每个清晨 吾希望这世上再无痛苦的哀嚎 Oh, I can finally see myself again 此刻 吾终于再次如当初般思绪盎然 I know I am enough, possible to be loved 吾知道吾已完好且平静 足以承受爱的力量 It was not about me 昔日的种种并非真正的吾辈 Now I have to rise above 如今 吾已然超越 Let the universe call the bluff 足以让宇宙万物臣服于吾之荣光 Yeah, the truth will set you free 请勿迟疑 真相会让你得到真正的救赎 By the grace of God 承蒙上帝赐予的无上荣光 (There was no other way) 吾们已无路可退 I picked myself back up 吾拾起支零破碎的残躯再次奋战 (I knew I had to stay) 吾知道吾之宿命便是驻守 I put one foot in front of the other and I 在吾深感茫然的未来吾迈出了命运足迹的第一步 Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 仔细凝视镜中的孤影 吾便决心驻守 Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way 吾不会再如曾经般执拗让爱的荣光带吾逃离 That way, no, that way no 不再迷茫 不再胆怯 not in the name, in the name of love 不再以爱之名逃离 that way, no, that way, no 不再退缩 不再懦弱 I am not giving up 吾已决心奋战到底 By the grace of God 承蒙上帝赐予的无上荣光 I picked myself back up 吾拾起支零破碎的残躯再次奋战 I put one foot in front of the other and 在吾深感茫然的未来吾迈出了命运足迹的第一步 I looked in the mirror 吾仔细凝视镜中的自己 (looked in the mirror) 看似形单影只 无力可言 looked in the mirror 实则力量无穷 战火焚身 (looked in the mirror) 镜中影像已然令人生畏 By the grace of God 承蒙上帝赐予的无上荣光 (There was no other way) 吾们已无路可退 I picked myself back up 吾拾起支零破碎的残躯再次奋战 (I knew I had to stay) 吾知道吾之宿命便是驻守于此 浴血奋战 I put one foot in front of the other and I 吾不再茫然懦弱 无畏地迈出了命运足迹的第一步 Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 镜中之人已然胸有成竹 并从容驻守 Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way 不再借口 静待轮回
上一期: you are My sunshine
下一期: B what U wanna B