almost home

almost home

2016-06-06    03'48''

主播: crime&alone

203 4

《Almost home》是美国歌手玛丽亚·凯莉为迪斯尼电影《魔境仙踪》献唱的主题曲,已于2013年2月19日发行 歌词: You're almost home 你的彼岸在即 I've seen the light,In the sky 我已受灵光感召,就在天际 In the skies are like fireflies,Burning bright 好似荧光在闪,光荣地照耀 Just to vanish in the dark 然后划过长夜 I've held hope ,In my two hands 但我已牢攥希望,用我双手 That there would be another chance,To find the kingdom 我深知这是我的再次恩遇,去追逐我的心中属岛 I'm believing in my heart 我深信,我景仰 Cause underneath the good there's something greater than you know 那里有宝藏,超越你想像 When you're almost there 当你靠近彼岸 And you're almost home 你会一见如故 Just open up your eyes and go go 放开双眼,一路前行吧 When you're almost there,Almost home,Know you're not alone 当你靠近彼岸,就像重逢一样,不觉孤单 You're almost home 理想就在前方 When you run,Run so far 当你前行,披荆斩棘 You've forgotten who you are,Where you're from 不顾自我,来自何方, It's like some other universe 那是一个新的时空, You count your steps,Like they're regrets 你拾级而上,放纵遗憾回放 You catch one breath then lose the rest 你品着呼吸,释然而安详 Wrong is right,Right is left 执着即是非执着,非执着即是执着 And there's nowhere left to turn 再也不需要难以割舍 So don't believe in everything 所以,请勿执着眼前 You think,You think you know 一转念,你只需一转念 When you're almost there 梦想转瞬即达你眼前 And you're almost home 就像在你自己的港湾 Just open up your eyes and go go 擦亮双眼,就此上路吧! When you're almost there,Almost home,Know you're not alone 当你靠近彼岸,就像重逢一样,不觉孤单 You're almost home 你彼岸在即 When you let your heart be the compass 当你追随内心的罗盘 You won't get lost,Not if you trust it 你再不会迷失方向,只要你深信不疑 When you hear the sound of the trumpet,Louder than ever before 当你感觉到召唤之音,震撼心扉,胜过以往 Oh... 喔
上一期: and then you
下一期: cool girls