Spike had a stick. He wanted to play with it. 斯派德找到一根木棍。 他想玩木棍。 "Go and get the stick!"said Dad. 爸爸说:“去,跑过去捡木棍!” Spike had a ball. He wanted to play with it. 斯派徳有一个皮球。 他想玩球。 "Go and get the ball!"said Dad. 管爸说:“快,跑过去捡皮球!‘’ Spike had a bone. He wanted to play with it . 斯派德找到一根骨头。 他想咬骨头。 "Go and get the bone!"said Dad. 爸爸说:“去,跑过去捡骨头!” Spike saw a cat. He wanted to play with it. 斯派德看到一只猫咪。 他想和猫咪一起玩游戏。 "Go and get the dog!"said Mum. 妈妈对爸爸下了命令:“快跑过去,把狗带 回来!”
上一期: look at me!
下一期: 黎丘老丈