Ruby was an artist.She loved red. Even her cat was red. 露比是一位画家。她喜欢红色。 甚至她画的小猫也是红色的。 Sky was an artist.He loved blue. Even his hair was blue. 斯盖也是一位画家。他喜欢蓝色。 甚至他的头发也是蓝色的。 One day,Ruby and Sky were eating breakfast. Ruby had toast and red jam. 一天,露比和斯盖约好共进早餐。 露比吃面包配的是红色的果酱。 Sky had blueberry muffins. 斯盖吃的是蓝色的蓝莓松饼。 "This room is dull,"said Ruby. "Let's paint it!"said Sky. 露比说:“这房间好单调啊!” 斯盖提议道:“我们重新粉刷它吧!” "Yes!"said Ruby."Let's paint it red." “No!”said Sky."Let's paint it blue." 露比说:“好!我们把它刷成红色的。” 斯盖不同意:“不!我们该把它刷成蓝色的。” Ruby got some red paint. She started to paint the wall red. 露比拿来一些红色涂料。她开始把墙刷成红色。 Sky got some blue paint. He started to paint the wall blue. They went faster and faster. 斯盖拿来一些蓝色涂料。他开始把墙涂成蓝色。两 个人粉刷的速度越来越快。 "Yuck!Look at that red wall,"said Sky. He painted some blue stripes. 斯盖说:“看看那面红色的墙,真难看!” 他在红色墙上刷上了蓝色的条纹。 "Yuck!Look at that blue wall,"said Ruby. She painted some red spots. 露比说:“看看那面蓝色的墙,真难看! 她在蓝色墙上涂上了红色的点点。 The blue paint ran into the red paint. 蓝色的涂料染上了红色的涂料。 The red paint ran into the blue paint. 红色的涂料也染上了蓝色的涂料。 The wall went purple. 墙变成了紫色。 “I love it!"said Ruby. “It's cool!"said Sky. “Purple is just right,"they said. 露比说:“我喜欢这个颜色!” 斯盖说:“很酷啊!” 她们第口同声地说:“紫色刚好!”