口语早读 【性感英语】为何西方国家的离婚率如此之高? (125)

口语早读 【性感英语】为何西方国家的离婚率如此之高? (125)

2016-08-25    04'44''

主播: 英语口语自媒体Maggie桃

65 2

In orthodox countries, divorce is still a taboo. Religious laws might make divorce far more complicated and harder to attain. Beyond that, religion can also work in positive ways . If everything else is equal, people who share a spiritual bond are less likely to divorce. ··· Tips Bond n.(情感的)纽带,契合,关系 A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them. E.g A bond of friendship had been forged between them. 他们之间形成了一种友谊的纽带。 ···· Join the discussion If you want to share your insights ,pls leave a comment below,and I will be absolutely pleased to share them with all the readers. 加入讨论 如果你想分享自己的“观点” 请在下方留言,我很乐意将你的经验与所有读者分享! 文本资料请关注公众号:Witch微口语分享(Witch0719 ) 想要免费获得Maggie口语导师为大家精心挑选的海量地道“BBC学习视频资料”吗? 只需转发本文到“【朋友圈】”或者“【30人以上的微信群聊】”; 并截图给我哦!(添加微信号:331515810,快速通过的暗号[lovespeaking])