29.Ten passengers are standing

29.Ten passengers are standing

2016-08-26    04'53''

主播: 刘老师英语

128 5

29.Ten passengers are standing beside the door besides you ,so there are eleven adults in all.除了你,十个乘客正站在门边,因此一共有 11个成年人。 ①passenger[ˈpæsindʒə] n.乘客,旅客 搭配 a passenger plane 客机 Several passengers were injured during the bumpy flight. 好几名乘客在颠簸的飞行途中受伤了。 bumpy a.颠簸的 ②beside[biˈsaid] prep.在…旁边,在…附近;和…相比 搭配 be beside the point 离题,与主题无关 be beside oneself 乐疯了,极度地激动 例句 if you sit beside the driver, you will get a better view. 如果你坐在司机旁边,就会看到更好的景色。 I was beside myself with joy when I heard the good news. ③besides[biˈsaidz] ad.而且,此外(还) prep.除…之外(还) 用法 besides作介词用时,表“除……之外(还有)”,等于in addition to besides作副词用时,表“此外,而且”,等于additionally. Besides English,he is good at math. I haven’t time to see the film.Besides,it had dreadful reviews. 我没有时间去看这部影片。再说,影评也诸多贬斥。 ④adult[ˈædʌlt, əˈdʌlt] n.成年人(或动物) a.成年(人)的 似grown-up n.成年人 You are no longer a child. You are an adult. ⑤in all 总共,合计