41.Sometimes you may not understand

41.Sometimes you may not understand

2016-09-24    07'00''

主播: 刘老师英语

90 1

41.Sometimes you may not understand your parents because one minute they’re friendly and the next minute they’re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear.有时你可能不理解你父母,因为一会儿他们友好,一会儿他们又喊又叫,响的整条街都听见。 ①friendly[ˈfrendli] a.友好的,友谊的 搭配 be friendly to 对...友好 be friendly with 和某人要好的 environmentally friendly 有利于环境的 考点 friendly 为带-ly词尾的形容词,且无副词形式。这样的词还有lovely(可爱的) lonely(寂寞的),lively(生动的)silly(傻的) ②shout[ʃaut] v./n.呼喊,呼叫 搭配 shout at 对...大声喊叫;叱喝(含有“辱骂”之意) shout to 高声对某人说话 (不带感情色彩) shout for help大喊救命 shout with joy 欢呼 例句 The angry boss shouted at his secretary to shut the window. 恼怒的老板冲秘书大喊,让她关上窗户。 ③scream[skri:m] vi.尖声叫,发出刺耳的声音n.尖叫,尖叫声 搭配scream for 强烈要求 scream out 大叫 例句 A scream broke the silence of the night. 一声尖叫划破了寂静的天空。 The wind screamed through the trees. 风从林间呼啸而过 ④loudly[ˈlaudli] ad.高声地;响亮地 ⑤enough[iˈnʌf] adj. 足够的,充足的 ad.足够地,充分地;相当 搭配 be enough for 对…足够了 be enough of 对…厌烦了 strangely enough 说来也怪 sure enough 果然,果真 more than enough 绰绰有余,过分 have had enough of 再也不能忍受 例句 No man is rich enough to buy back his past. 再富的人也买不回自己的过去。 考点 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~