乒乓球用语 第三部分 临场简单交涉用语

乒乓球用语 第三部分 临场简单交涉用语

2015-11-25    05'21''

主播: Angel 英语口语老师

204 12

第三部分   临场简单交涉用语   1.请香港男队×××到××台报到 ×××from Hongkong Men’s team, please check in register at table No.××. 2.双方队员服装应是不同颜色,请更换服装. Opposing players shall wear shirts that are of different  colours. Please change your clothes. 3.对方弃权 Your opponent waived/defaulted. 4.请你离开场地,到观众席上去,因为你违反了场外指导规则. For you have violated the rules of advice. Please leave the court and stay on the stand. 5.请注意你的作风(发球),不要有冒犯观众的行为 Please pay attention to your behaviour/service. Please don’t offend the spectators. 6.加拿大队的比赛由3号台改到5台. The Canadian’s games have been changed from table N0.3 to N0.5 7.你能告诉我你的名字吗? May I have (know) your name? 8.你来过中国吗? Have you ever been to China before? 9.你在哪张球台做裁判? Which table are you on duty? 10.我在2号台做裁判 I’m on duty at table No.2. 11.先生请不要坐在这儿,请坐在那儿好吗? Mr. Don’t sit here ,please sit there. 12.谁将换服装? Who will change shirts?    如果你们不能达成协议,只能用抽签来决定。 If both of you disagree, decision will be made by lot. 13.请将球拍放在球台上。 Please ,leave your racket on the table. 14.时间到,继续比赛 Time is up, Continue playing. 15.不要在这粘球拍 Please don’t glue racket coverings here. 16.谁是这场比赛的场外指导者? Who is adviser for this match? 17.你的球拍不符合规则。 Your racket is illegal. 18.请立即更换球拍。 Please change your racket at once. 19.服装上的广告不符合规则。 The advertisement of the clothing is illegal. 20.服装上的主颜色应和球的颜色的不同。 The main colour of the clothing shall be different from that of the ball. 21.发球过中线 The ball is over centre line. 22.对不起,我们不能满足你的要求,比赛场地未经裁判长许可不能练球。 I’m sorry, we can’t meet your requirement . You shouldn’t practise here unless otherwise authorised by the referee. 23.裁判员工作室(运动员休息室)在哪儿? Where is the umpires’ Working-Room (players’ restroom)? 24.医务室(洗手间)在哪儿? Where is the clinic (Washing room/toilet)? 25.祝你在这里愉快。 Enjoy your stay here!