心情复杂 Have mixed feelings

心情复杂 Have mixed feelings

2019-11-21    06'17''

主播: 雨霓🐌

323 3

大家好,我是雨霓。今天我们来学习的短语是“have mixed feelings about something or someone” “对一件事或一个人有错综复杂的感情,喜忧参半”。它用来比喻观点、想法或心情无法简单地用好或坏来形容,而是错综复杂的,甚至是相互矛盾的,类似于汉语里说的 “百感交集、心情复杂”。 例句 A: What did you think of the film? B: I liked it, generally, but I have mixed feelings about the ending. It was well done but quite predictable. “你觉得这部电影怎么样?” “总体来说,我挺喜欢的。但我对结局的感想比较复杂。虽然处理得不错,但比较老套。” Zhu Hong said she has mixed feelings about her new flatmate. She said he's very friendly and sociable, but not very clean or quiet. 朱红说新室友给她的感觉好坏参半。她说虽然他很友好,又善交际,但不太注意卫生,而且有点吵。 When I first moved to London, I had mixed feelings about it. It's an exciting and fun city but also very big and noisy! 我刚搬到伦敦住的时候,对于这座城市我的感情很矛盾。它虽然多姿多彩、充满乐趣,但也非常大而喧嚣嘈杂。