

2017-04-01    03'38''

主播: 日月星光喵

284 10

Good afternoon, everybody! 大家下午好! I am so happy to attend this EF Education Exchange event and to hear such amazing personal stories. 很高兴能来参加这个论坛,听到这么多精彩的人生故事。 It makes me realize I am not alone on my journey to build a better life, as there are so many others who strive to study continuously to achieve their dreams. 我意识到,在追求美好生活的路上,我并不孤单,还有这么多人也一直在为梦想而努力。 Whenever I travel abroad, I often meet people from different countries and cultures.As I communicate with them, I realize how much bigger my world becomes. 当四处旅行时,我经常会碰到来自不同国家和文化背景的人。跟他们交流过后,我才意识到我的世界变得多么宽广。 So in my future travels and studies abroad, I will challenge myself to explore different cultures and learn new things to expand my world. 所以在未来的旅行和出国学习中,我会不断努力去探索不同的文化,学习新知识,进一步开阔视野。 I hope everyone here also can remove all obstacles and open your world through education. 我也希望,在座的各位都能克服一切困难,通过教育去打开新世界的大门。 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~