All this i did without you-02

All this i did without you-02

2020-12-28    02'00''

主播: 日月星光喵

188 1

I have seen hummingbirds flashing like opals round a tree of scarlet blooms, humming like a top. 我见过蜂鸟如同宝石一般围绕着开红花的树闪烁,如陀螺一般哼鸣作响。 I have seen flying fish, skittering like quicksilver across the blue waves, drawing silver lines on the surface with their tails. 我见过飞鱼如水银一般穿越蓝色海浪,用他们的尾翼在海面上划下银色痕迹。 I have seen Spoonbills flying home to roost like a scarlet banner across the sky. 我见过琵鹭像朱红的旗帜从鸟巢飞往鸟群。 I have seen Whales, black as tar, cushioned on a cornflower blue sea, creating a Versailles of fountain with their breath. 我见过漆黑洳焦的鲸鱼,在如矢车菊般的蓝色海洋中停留,呼吸间创造了一个凡尔赛宫的喷泉。 I have watched butterflies emerge and sit, trembling, while the sun irons their wings smooth. 我见过阳光熨展蝴蝶的翅膀,它浮现、停顿、又扇动。 I have watched Tigers, like flames, mating in the long grass. 我见过鲜如火焰的老虎在长草之中亲昵。 I have been dive-bombed by an angry Raven, black and glossy as the Devil's hoof. 我曾被愤怒的乌鸦俯冲攻击,如魔鬼的爪牙黑暗顺滑。 I have lain in water warm as milk, soft as silk, while around me played a host of Dolphins. 我曾躺在温暖如牛奶、柔顺如丝绸的水中,任一群海豚在我身边嬉戏。 I have met a thousand animals and seen a thousand wonderful things … 我曾遇到过无数生灵,曾看过无数美景…… All this I did without you. 这一切却未与你共度。 This was my loss. 这都是我的损失。 All this I want to do with you. 这些事情我都想与你共度。 This will be my gain. 这一切才会是我的收获。