

2016-04-25    13'44''

主播: 以沫 132

1084 143

可我不禁觉得被利用了 But I can't help but feel a little used. 我原以为我们还是快乐过一阵子 I thought we were having a moment. 总之我还是得参加聚会的 I have to go to the party anyway. 谁知道我会干什么 Who knows what I'll do? 玩得开心 enjoy yourself 见到你很高兴 谢谢光临 Great to see you. Thanks so much to coming. -你好 -你好 见到你很高兴 - Hi. - Hi, nice to see you. 你好 先生 Hi sir 生命苦短? 看起来不错啊 Lives too short? That's nice -你好 -请进 - Hey. - Come on in. 请走这边 Uh, let's go this way. 为什么 Why? 队伍排的太长了 Line's too long. 我们可以绕到后面去 We can go around back. 快点 聚会在后院 Come on, party's in the back. 谢谢光临 Thanks for coming. 那的确是他最爱的苏格兰酒 Tha / 页 t was his favorite Scotch. 对不起 我以为这能行得通 I'm sorry, I thought it would work. 我没指望它 I wasn't counting on it. 你早就知道会失败? You knew it would fail? 我只是做自己想做的事情 Did what I wanted. 它能降低他的警惕 It lowered his guard. 你不会希望我这么快又尝试一次吧 You won't expect me to try again so soon. 我在苏格兰酒里加了双份的量 I doubled what I put in the Scotch. 卡罗琳 Caroline! 你真美 You look smashing. 谢谢你 夫人 Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. 这是我的男朋友 达蒙 This is my boyfriend Damon. 好的 请进 Oh, well, come on in. 见到你很高兴 Lovely to meet you. 我期待这个聚会 I've been looking forward to 很久了 This party for quite a while. 玩的开心 Well, enjoy. 在这里等一下 Wait here. 你这时候还非穿制服不可吗 Really, you couldn't even change out of the badge for this? 我在执勤 亲爱的 I'm working, honey. 你背着我偷偷在和谁在约会 Who's the date you just tried to sneak past me? 没什么大不了的啦 Just some guy. 你不觉得他对于你太老了吗 He's a little old for you, don't you think? 难道不是这样你就会同意吗 Oh, 'cause otherwise you'd approve. 我表示怀疑 Yeah, I doubt that. 你好 洛克伍德市长 Hi, mayor Lockwood. 大家请进 Hey. hey, guys, come on in. 谢谢 Thank you. 你爸爸呢 Where's your dad? 他在孟菲斯 很好 Memphis. Good. 和史蒂芬一起 With Stephen. 你父母的? Your parents‘? 这里有很多故事 There's a lot of history here. 珍娜 Jenna. 你好 罗根 Hello Rogan 见到你真高兴 It's good to see you. 我早就猜到在这里会遇见你 I thought I might see you here. 你早料到啦 You knew it. 我很惧怕 I dreaded. 但还是偷偷的期待 But were secretly hoping. 现在我得... And now that I have... 天哪 别那么快走 Whoa, hey, not so fast. 我敢说你有很多侮辱的话 I know you. You have a lot more insults in you 憋在心里 I can tell. 你正在谢顶 Your hairline's receding. 才没有呢 你想一起吃午餐吗 No, it's not. you want to have lunch? -不 -你一点没变 - Nope. - you haven't changed a bit. 不 我有改变 Oh, yes, I have. 我现在更加邪恶 I'm meaner now. 神秘瀑布的集团家族欢迎你 "The founding families in mystic falls welcome you 来参加就职的集团创建人议会庆功会 To the inaugural founder's council celebration." 看 这是最原始的客人登记册 Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. 看这些家庭成员的名字 Look at all these familiar names-- 威廉·福布斯警长 Sheriff William Forbes, 本杰明·洛克伍德市长 Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. 那个是达蒙·塞尔瓦托吗 Is that Damon Salvatore? 还有斯特凡·塞尔瓦托 And, look, Stefan Salvatore. 那是最原始的塞尔瓦托兄弟 The original Salvatore brothers. : : , --> : : , 我们的祖先 不堪回首的历史 Our Ancestors. Tragic story, actually. 我们没必要拿过去使她们心烦 We don't need to bore them with stories of the past. 不会心烦的 斯特凡 It's not boring, Stefan. 我很想听听你们家族的故事 I'd love to hear more about your family. 我有点闷了 我想跳舞 Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. 不过达蒙不愿跟我跳 And Damon won't dance with me. 是的 Mm-mmm. 我能借一下你的舞伴吗 Could I just borrow your date? -我真的不会跳舞 -不 他会跳 - I don't really dance. - Oh, sure he does. 你会看到 You should see him. 华尔兹 吉特巴 太空步 Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. 他都会跳 He does it all. 你不会介意的吧 埃琳娜 You wouldn't mind, would you, Elena? 由斯特凡怎么决定 It's up to Stefan. 那不好意思 我不打算接受否定回答 Sorry, but I'm not gonna take no for an answer 我想向你道歉 I want to apologize to you 因为我是个大混蛋 For being such a world-class jerk 那晚我想吻你 The other night when I tried to kiss you. 这真的不可原谅 There's no excuse. 我的医生说我 My therapist says I'm... 总是容易冲动 试图惩罚斯特凡 Acting out, trying to punish Stefan. 为什么惩罚他 For what? 都是过去的事了 我不想往事重提 It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. 我们谈谈塞尔瓦托家族的人 Let's just say that the men in the salvatore family 是怎样被同胞争宠的符咒缠身的吧 Have been cursed with sibling rivalry. 一切开始于最原始的塞尔瓦托兄弟之争 And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers. 是达蒙叫你请我跳舞 Damon told you to ask me to dance. 是吗 Didn't he? 他为什么这样做呢 Now why would he do that? 想喝一杯吗 Would you like one? 谢谢 Thank you. 如果你看到我妈 赶快告诉我 Ok, just tell me if you see my mom. 塞尔瓦托的名字 The salvatore name 在这个镇上几乎就是贵族的象征 was practically royalty in this town. 直到那场战争 发生在这里的战争 Until the war. There was a battle here-- 柳树溪之战 The battle of Willow Creek. 没错 Right. 我知道 我们在课上讨论过 I know, we talked about it in class. 同盟 / 页 盟军放火 Confederate soldiers fired on 烧了一间挤满平民的教堂 A church with civilians inside. 历史书里遗漏了一点 What the history books left out 那些被认为烧死的人 Was the people that were killed. 其中有些碰巧不在教堂里 They weren't there by accident. 教堂里的人被认为是敌人的同伙 They were believed to be union sympathizers. 所以联盟的一些首领 So some of the founders 回来后 On the confederacy side back then 把他们关在教堂里再活活烧死 Wanted them rounded up and burned alive. 那群人中就有 Stefan and Damon had someone they loved 斯特凡和达蒙深爱的人 Very much in that church. 当哥俩回去救那些人的时候已经太迟了 And when they went to rescue them, They were shot. 他们都被残忍的屠杀了 Murdered in cold blood. 他们俩要救的人是谁 Who was in the church that they wanted to save? 我猜是个女人 A woman, I guess. 难道不能归结为 Doesn't it always come down 对一个女人的爱吗 To the love of a woman? 我很遗憾你和斯特凡之间 Look, I'm sorry that you and stefan 有这么多复杂的事情 Have this thing between you, 但我不能参与其中 达蒙 But I can't get in the middle of it, Damon. 我只是 I just... 希望你们两个能重新振作起来 I hope you two can work it out. 我也希望这样 I hope so, too. 你想跳舞吗 So you want to dance? 要我跳舞 Me dancing? 我跳得不好 Not pretty. 你可以带我去周围走走 Maybe you could show me around. 这个地方真的很漂亮 I mean, this place is amazing. 是啊 看来你喜欢住在博物馆里面 Yeah, if you like living in a museum. 也许我该脱光了衣服 Maybe I should just strip naked 然后跟比尔牧师跳一圈 And give pastor Bill a lap dance. 我是说 这就是我们为什么 I mean, that's why we're 在这个角落躲一晚上 不是吗 hiding in a corner all night, isn't it? 你是不是害怕我的一举一动 You're scared of how I'm going to act? 你担心你的父母 You afraid of what your parents 怎么看待你的 Are going to think about your date 来自城市贫民区的女朋友吗 From the wrong side of the tracks? 我不在乎他们怎么看 I don't care about what they think. 很好 那我们就过去打声招呼 Great. Let's go say hi. 别这样 薇姬 Knock it off, Vick. 或者 Or we could just, you know 我们溜进你的卧室 sneak up to your bedroom. 只要没人发现我们 好吗 As long as nobody sees us, right? -薇姬 我发誓 -泰 你怎么了 - Vicki, I swear... - What's a matter, Ty? 你连站在你妈妈面前都不敢吗 You scared to stand up to your mommy? / 页 你真可悲 It's pretty pathetic. -放开我 -泰勒 - Let go! - Tyler... 之前我们都没机会打声招呼 We didn't get a chance to say hello earlier. 这是薇姬吧 马特的姐姐 It's Vicki, right? Matt's sister. 是的 夫人 Yes, ma'am. 请你原谅我儿子的鲁莽 You'll have to forgive my son's rudeness. 他受父亲的遗传 He gets it from his father. 没关系 洛克伍德夫人 Well, that's ok, Mrs. lockwood. 泰勒和我刚准备道晚安 Tyler and I were just saying good night. 你就带这种垃圾货色 That's what you get when 参加派对吗 You bring the trash into the party. 我们错过什么了吗 What'd we miss? 我们刚在聊天 We were just chatting. 要喝吗 达蒙 Drink, Damon? 不用 谢了 我怕喝醉 No, thanks, I'll pass. 斯特凡 你想再跳一曲吗 Stefan, do you have another dance in you? 当然 Absolutely. 他们真甜蜜啊 They look so cute together. 拜托 别说了 Don't talk, please. 别说话 再来一杯 Don't shoot. Only need to refill 被毙了 我是行尸走肉 Shooting and place carrion 假装冷漠 我喜欢 Feigned indifference. I like it. 我受够戏弄了 罗根 I'm over the banter, Logan. 我真的希望一个人待会 I'd really rather you just left me alone. 珍娜 关于你的 I'm sorry, Jenna. 我很抱歉 About your sister. 谢谢你的体谅 Thank you. 我从葬礼上知道的 Came to the funeral. 我知道 I know. 我看到你了 I saw you. 我本不想过去的 Yeah, I didn't want to push my way in, 但因为你我才去 But I wanted to be there for you. 当我听说你要留在神秘瀑布的时候 And when I heard you were staying in mystic falls, 我想也许 I thought maybe... 也许下次事情 Well, maybe I could have : : , --> : : , 会好转 A second chance to make things right. 她叫莫妮卡 是吗 Her name was Monica, wasn't it? 我希望达蒙没有把你逼疯 I hope Damon didn't drive you too crazy. 没有 事实上他很绅士 No, actually, he was on good behavior. 他跟我道歉 He even apologized 还解释了他为什么变成现在这样 And explained why he is the way he is. 一切都起源于凯瑟琳 And it all goes back to Katherine. 跟我说说她吧 So tell me about her. 她到底怎么了 What happened? 我真的不想谈这些 It's not something I like to talk about. 我理解 真的 I get that. I do. 我只想知道你能缓过来 I just want you to know that you can. 我只按我的想法要求你 I mean, I burden you with all of my drama, 我也希望你这样做 And I want you to do the same. 我知道 I know. 谢谢 Thank you. / 页 事实上 斯特凡 The truth is, Stefan... 我真的对你不很了解 I don't really know that much about you, 如果你对我敞开心扉的话我会很高兴的 And I'd really love it if you would open up to me. 达蒙说了什么了吗 Damon said something, didn't he?