

2016-04-25    10'12''

主播: 以沫 132

865 141

他喜欢恶作剧还制造麻烦 埃琳娜 He likes to play games and cause trouble, Elena. 跟他无关 This isn't about Damon, 只是我想了解你 It's about me trying to get to know you. 你是个神秘的家伙 我喜欢 Look, you're the mystery guy, and I like that. 但是不喜欢神秘变成秘密 But with mystery comes secrets, 尤其是关于凯瑟琳的事情 And this thing with Katherine. 别说了 我不想谈论这个 Let it go. I don't want to talk about it. 那谈谈你自己 什么都行 Well, then, say something about yourself. Anything. 否则 我就带着别人的话离开这里 Otherwise, I'm left with nothing but what other people tell me. 你没看见达蒙在这里的所作所为吗 Don't you see what Damon has done here? 他企图让你离开我 He's trying to get you to turn against me. 我觉得已经奏效了 Well, then I guess it's working. 这是我的错 我疑神疑鬼了 This is my fault. I planted doubt. 我真是个多疑的家伙 I'm a doubt planter. 不是你的错 It's not your fault. 我感到不安 I just-- I feel terrible 因为我说过他们兄弟之间的事我不管 Because I said that I wouldn't get in the middle of it, 但我还是掺和进来了 And that's exactly what I did. 我真讨厌 I got all snotty. 埃琳娜 亲爱的 你在这 Elena, honey, there you are. 我发现到那块表不在收藏品中 I notice the watch still isn't in the collection. 抱歉 Lockwood夫人 Oh, um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Lockwood. 我找不到了 I, um, I couldn't find it. 我猜它可能还在 I guess it's still packed up 我父母的遗物里 In my parents' stuff somewhere. 这样 I see. 如果找到请告诉我 Well, please let me know if you do find it. 好的 Ok. 你去哪里了 Where have you been? 当然是找你喽 Looking for you. 你弟弟只跟我跳了五分钟不到的舞 Your brother barely danced with me for five minutes-- 就一分钟 站在这里别动 Ok, just a minute. Stand right...there. 你不能碰的 Um, you're not supposed to touch. 那是什么 What is that? 一块非常重要的水晶 It's a very important crystal. 你怎么知道它在这里的 Well, how did you know th it was there? 因为是我放的 Because I put it there. -什么时候 -很久已经 - When? - A long time ago. 今年 我要拿回去 多谢你带我来 Tonight, I'm taking it back, thanks to you. -你要它做什么 -你不用管 / 页 - Well, what's it for? - Never you mind. 但你不能偷了它 You can't just steal it. 如果原本就是我的 就不算偷 It's not stealing if it's mine. 别这样 Come on. well... 给我一杯伏特加奎宁 Vodka Tonic. 我知道这可能是第三次进军 Ok, I know that this is probably going to be strike , 但我希望你能知道它代表的含义 But I hope you can see it for what it is. -什么含义 -坚持不懈 - And what is it? - Persistence. 低声下气 给你承诺 随你挑 Groveling, commitment. Take your pick. 我因为你逃离小镇 I fled town because of you. 逃离 Fled. 我当时年幼无知 I was young and stupid, 而后一切都变了 And then things changed. 生活现实起来 Life got...real. 你应该深有体会 You'd know that better than anyone. 假如我再次接纳你 Hypothetically speaking, if allowed, 你会如何弥补 How would you make things right? 当然是更加的低声下气 Well, more groveling, of course. 回顾一下这些年来的心灵探索 A recap of the past few years spent soul searching. 吃一点起司薯条 Cheese fries. 显而易见 Obvious. 我了解我的观众[我了解你] I know my audience. 邀请我吃午饭吧 打给我 Yes to lunch. Call me. 看看四周 缺了什么 Look around. What's missing? 蜡烛上的火焰呢 The flames, the candles. 为什么不点着 Why aren't they lit? 厨房有火柴 There's matches in the kitchen. 贱人 Bitch. 和斯特凡玩的开心么 So how are things with Stefan? 很开心 Great. Just great. 真的 Really? 我的脑子已经不听使唤了 Well, my radar must be off, 里头全是乱七八糟的声音 'cause I was getting all sorts of other vibes, 那是什么 What is that? 别碰我 Don't! 天呐 卡罗琳 怎么回事 Oh god, Caroline, what happened? 没事 行了吧 Nothing, ok?! 怎么没事 有人伤害你吗 That is nothing. Did somebody hurt you? 我很好 没事 No, ok, nothing. 不过 It just... 我妈知道了一定饶不了我 My mom would kill me. 达蒙虐待你吗 Did Damon hurt you? 没有 当然没有 No! of course not! 别管我 好吗 埃琳娜 Just leave me alone, ok, Elena?! 上帝 God! 你一定有大问题 There is something seriously wrong with you. 离卡罗琳远点 You stay away from Caroline 不然我直接找她妈 Or I will go straight to her mother, 就是那个警长 听见没 The sheriff. You got it? 别再惹她 Stay away from her. 对不起 I'm sorry. 我收回之前说的话 I take it all back. 关于达蒙 你说的一点没错 You're completely right about Damon. 他怎么了 What did he do? 卡罗琳全身都是 There are bruises 伤痕 All over Caroline's body. 还有咬痕 他给她弄的 Bite marks, and he has her all confused 神志不清 And messed up in the head. 你一点都不惊讶 You don't look surprised. 我正在解决 I'm handling it. 正在解决 Handling it? 斯特凡 你应该让他进监狱 Stefan, you should be having him arrested. 埃琳娜 别这样 Elena, please. 我 I... 我不期望你能理解 I don't expect you to understand. 我什么都不理解 斯特凡 I don't understand anything, Stefan. 那为什么不和我说清楚 So why don't you just clear it up for me? 听着 有些事你不知道 Look, there are things that you don't know, ok? 我想告诉你 但我不能 Things that I want to tell you, but I can't. 也许永远都不会 And I may never be able to. 我只需要你能信任我 And I just need you to trust me. 信任也是挣得的 Trust is earned. 我不能魔法般的一味接受 I can't just magically hand it over. 抱歉 我得走了 I'm so sorry. I have to go. 你真美 来这里做什么 You look amazing. what are you doing here? 刚才想也许我今天 I was thinking maybe I could make 可以再犯一个错误 One more wrong choice today. 我还有 分钟 I still have minutes. 不要 Don't! 她扯开我衣服看见了 我很不安 She took it off and I got flustered, ok?! 我不想说的 I didn't know what to say. 但我发誓 我没告诉她 But I swear, ok, I did not tell her. 我只说你不想伤害我的 I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me. 你让我抓狂 知道吗 You make me crazy, you know that? 没关系 我原谅你 It's ok. I forgive you. 我发誓我没说 I swear I didn't say-- 不幸的是 Unfortunately... 我跟你彻底完了 I am so over you now. 这到底是 What the hell? 要知道 我虽然不能在你的酒里加马鞭草汁 You know, I couldn't spike your drink... 但我能在她杯里动手脚 So I spiked hers. 卡罗琳 Caroline? 原来你在这 There you are. 我到处找你 I've been looking everywhere for you. 还好吗 Are you ok? 我很好 Yeah. I'm fine. : : , --> : : , 卡罗琳 发生什么了 Caroline, what happened? 我很好 I'm fine. 不 No. -你全身都在颤抖 卡罗琳到底 -我很好 -You're shaking. Caroline--what-- -I'm fine! 卡罗琳 没事了 没事了 Caroline, come here, come here. 我做了该做的事 I did what I had to do... 保护埃琳娜 保护所有人 To protect Elena, to protect everyone. 没错 达蒙 头条会写 Y / 页 Yes, Damon, the headline reads "暴徒被捕 "deadly beast captured. 神秘瀑布镇重归平静" All is well in mystic falls." 感谢这么晚了你们还能留下 Thank you for staying so late. 拿到吉尔伯特的挂表没 Did you get the Gilbert watch? 她声称表被打包在父母的遗物里 She claims it's packed away in her parents' things. 我能搞到 I can get it. 很好 这块表大有用处 Good. we're going to need it. 你确定 Are you sure? 五个人都被抽光血液而死 bodies all drained of blood? 我确信无疑 I'm certain. 他们回来了 They've come back.