

2016-06-02    16'06''

主播: 以沫 132

1609 139

但我不能冒险But I can't take that risk -现在不能和杰里米再来往 -是吗- You gonna have to let Jeremy go now - Oh really 你是不是很早就想对我说And how long have you been preparing 我配不上你弟弟啊A "you're not good enough" speech? 肯定是在我尚未变成吸血鬼之前吧I assume it predates the vampire thing. 我只想说All I'm saying is 不要把杰里米卷入这些事情里面来Jeremy is not geting involved in any of this. 我是认真的 薇姬I mean it, Viki. 否则呢Or what? 让我给你讲清楚一点 你个小贱人Let's get one thing straight, you perky little bitch 你让我哥哥在你身上耗了15年You had my brother whipped for 15 years. 15年啊 然后你又甩了他15 years, and then you dumpted him. 我一看见你When I look at you 就想到这些That is all I see 你明白了吧Just so you know. 我高兴什么时候见杰里米 就什么时候见And I'm gonna see Jeremy whenever I wanna see Jeremy 因为我有新玩意儿要跟他分享Because I have some fun new toys to play with, 如果我想要你的命 也绝不会手软的And I won't think twice about ripping your little head off. 听明白了吗You got it -她威胁我 -她烦躁狂乱- She threatened me - She's on edge 想象一下 所有身体感官都在急速运转Imagining every sense in your body operating at super speed 她尚未适应急速变化的身体I mean, she's uncomfortable in her own skin, 然后你又用话刺激她And then when you throw in her other issues 要多久才能稳定 几小时 几天 还是几星期How long before it settles? Hours, days, weeks? 没有特定的时间There's no rule book. 那你是多久才学会控制自我的Well how long before you learn to control it 相当长A while 但当年没有人帮助我But I didn't have anybody helping me. 所有的都得我自己来I have to do it on my own. 问题在于The thing is 会感到很难抗拒一些人It's hard to resist certain people, 尤其是刚刚转化之初Espercially when you are new. 很难将各种感觉分清It's difficult to separate your feelings. 爱 迷失 愤怒和欲望Love, lost, anger, desire-- 所有复杂的情感都会化作It can all blur into one urge, 饥渴Hunger 什么意思What does that mean? 就是说杰里米不能见她 至少现在不能It means that Jeremy can't see her. Not now 她可能无法抗拒他She might not be able to resist him, 可能会伤到他And she could hurt him. 甚至害死他Or worse我不会让任何人受伤的I'm not gonna let anybody get hurt. 我得走了I need to get going 埃琳娜Elena 求你了 斯特凡 我已经受够了Please Stephan. This is only so much I can take. 你在干什么What are you doing 为接下来的一百年做打算Just contemplating the next hundred years 你为何将我转化Why did you do it 我I was... 无聊了Bored 你就因为无聊 把我变成吸血鬼吗You did this to me out of boredom 永生的问题之一就是无聊It's one of the pitfalls of eternity. 我已经无聊了Now I'm bored 我只想要吸血And all I can think about is blood. 我满脑子都是血I just want some blood. 其他什么也不想 我是怎么了I can't think about anything else. What is that about? 慢慢会好点的That'll ease up. 你整天都被关在这里You've just been cooped up all day. -走吧 -去哪儿- Let's go - Where? 你活着的时候很可悲Your life was pathetic. 死了就应该精彩点了Your afterlife doesn't have to be. 你要干什么What are you doing 她被关在你房里一整天了She's been cooped up in your room all day. 她又不是安妮·弗兰克She is not Anne Frank. [为躲避纳粹迫害长期藏身的少女 《安妮日记》作者] 不行不行No no no no 现在不能带她出去Now is not the time for this. 如果你要当她的吸血鬼老师 就好好教她If you are gonna teach her, teach her. 让她看看吸血鬼的生活Show her what it's all about. 她可能会伤害别人She could hurt someone 我又不带她去迪斯尼I'm not taking her to Disneyland. 我们就去院子走走We're going in the front yard. 来吧Come on 真是个馊主意 达蒙Bad idea, Damon 她是个吸血鬼 斯特凡She is a vimpire, Stephan. 她应该知道些当吸血鬼的好处She should know the perks. 比如什么Like what? 比如Like... 你是如何做到的Whoa. How did you do that? 试试 薇姬Come on, Viki 活出精彩 我不是在一语双关Live a little. No pun intended 我的错Uh, my bad. 马特Matt? 薇姬Vicki? 是你吗Is that you? 进来啊Get in here. 等一下In a minute. 快进来吧 我一直担心你Please come inside, I've been worried. 谢天谢地 你没事Thank God you're okay. 你上哪儿去了 薇姬Where were you, Vick. 没什么大不了的 别问了It's no big deal. Drop it already. 林子里有三个人被谋杀了Three people were murdered in the woods. 警察一直在找你 他们想找你问话The cops were looking for you, they wanna qustion you. 他们知道我住哪儿They know where I live. 每个人都很担心你Everyone was worry about you. 我现在回来了 别再提了I'm back now, just let it go. 开什么玩笑Are you kidding? 我专门组织了搜寻队找你I had a freaking search party out looking for you... 而你却吸毒吸得神志不清When you were off on your crazy drug trip. 结果你想让我别提了And you want me to let it go? 我的头好痛My head hurts. 别说瞎话You think? 斯特凡 你来这儿干嘛Stefan, what are you doing here? -薇姬在家吗 -在- Is Vicki home? - Yeah. 我能见见她吗Can I see her please? 别让他进来 我不想他进来Dot's let him in, I don't want him in here. 他对你做了什么吗Did he do something to you? 没有 我只是不想他进来No, I just don't want him in here. 让我进去吧 我能说明情况Just let me come in, so I can explain myself. 我不知道发生了什么 但我想你该走了I don't know what's going on, but I think you'd leave now. 马特 拜托了Matt, please. 不行 斯特凡No, Stefan. 薇姬 你得打给我You get to call me, Vicki. 我不知道你怎么了 打给我吧 拜托I don't get what's going on with you. Just call me, please. 今晚想出去玩吗So, do you wanna hang out tonight? 我们可以去学校参加万圣节派对We can go to the Halloween thing at school. 会很好玩的It could be fun. 好的 当然 听起来...很有意思Good, sure, sounds...sounds fun, 都等不及了Can't wait. 我知道你很担心薇姬I know you are upset about Vicki. 我听到你打电话给马特了I heard you called Matt. 但你不能跟她在一起But you can't be with her. 她需要先好起来She needs to get better. 你能为她做的最好的事 就是忘掉她The best thing you can do for her is let her go. 你那话什么意思 忘掉她?What does that even mean, let her go? 噢 是啊 我们最擅长遗忘了 对吧Oh, okay, sure. Since we're such experts on letting people go, right? 我知道你也许还不清楚情况I know you may not see it yet. 但是相信我 杰里 这对大家都好But trust me, Jer, it's for the best.爸妈走后几个月里 我都觉得自己是个废物For months from Mum and Dad dead, I feel like a crap. 对我来说一切都变得无所谓nothing-really-even-mattered crap. Like 我们走吧 参加万圣节派对已经迟到了Can we go now? We're late for the halloween party. 走吧Let's go. 你走吧So go ahead. 我要把酒喝完I'd like to finish my drink. 我来猜猜看Let me guess. 你扮的是黛西·贝肯尼Daisy Buchanan. [文学作品《了不起的盖茨比》中的人物] 我喜欢你扮出的盖茨比神韵I love a good Gatsby look. 我以前见过你I've met you before. 你不是卡罗琳·福布斯的男友吗Aren't you Caroline Forbes' boyfriend? 她对我就是那种小女生的迷恋 但是...Ah, she had a schoolgirl crush on me, but-- 很可爱 但我必须拒绝她It's cute. But I had to let her down easy. 你叫达蒙 对吧It's Damon, right? 你记得我啊Oh, you remember me. 你的脸让人过目不忘嘛You have a face that's hard to forget. 你姓什么 达蒙What's your last name, Damon? -塞尔瓦托 -塞尔瓦托?-Salvatore. -Salvatore? 你和扎克是亲戚吗Are you in any relation with Zach? 扎克是我叔叔Zach is my uncle. 你怎么认识扎克的How do you know Zach? 你没事吧Are you ok? 没事 有东西进眼睛了Yes, because something is in my eye. 我在创立者协会上认识他的Well, I know Zach from the Founders' Council. 塞尔瓦托家族是镇上的创始家族之一You know, the Salvatores were one of this town's Original saddles. 是的 没错Yes, they were. 我不知道扎克也是协会成员I wasn't aware that Zach was a member. 我最近才搬回来I just recently move back home 尚没机会见见他的朋友们and haven't really had a chance to meet many of his friends. 你能让他给我回电话吗Would you tell him to return my calls. 我给他留了好几条信息了I've left several messages. 扎克暂时外出了Zach went out of town for a bit. 但如果是关于马鞭草的事But if it is about the vervain 你也知道马鞭草的事You know about the vervain? 突然 出现那么一些时刻All of a sudden, I got these moments, 让我觉得情况在慢慢好起来And things started to feel just a little bit better, 而在那些时刻里 都有薇姬的存在And Vicki was in every single one of them. 你可能不明白 但相信我 So you may not see it. But trust me. 拆散我们绝不是为大家好Keeping me away from her is not for the best. [我被马特缠住了 来找我好吗] [当然 在哪见] [学校 今晚是万圣夜] 二位要来点苹果汁吗 洛克伍德家族特制哦Cider for the ladies? It's a Lockwood special. 才不喝呢 去年我醉到感恩节才清醒过来No way, last year I was hang over untill Thanksgiving. 小意思 我喝点Lightweight. I am going to drink 直到有帅哥来跟我亲热Untill someone is hot enough to make out with me. 好主意Sounds like a plan. 你喝了几杯马提尼了How many Martinis have you had? 别管我Ahh, don't start with me.跟你说了别来烦我I told you to quit bothering me. 不是的 薇姬 别这样No, Viki. Don't do this. 马特 他死缠着我Matt, He won't leave me alone. -你滚远点 老兄 -马特 没事的- You need the backoff, man. - Matt, it's..it's ok. 不 有事 你是不是有毛病啊No! It's not ok. What the hell is your problem? 斯特凡 她不见了Stafen, she's gone. 我在帮她I'm trying to help her. -薇姬 你吓死我了 -不好意思-Vick, you scared the hell out of me. - I'm sorry. -跟我来 -好- Come on. - Ok. 你知道卡罗琳哪去了吗So where'd Caroline run off to? 别浪费口舌了 达蒙Do yourself a favor, Damon. 不要向我打听卡罗琳Don't ask me about Caroline. 别这样 邦妮 多忠心的朋友啊Oh, but Bonnie, so loyal. 你离她远点Just stay away from her. 那个项链你哪来的Where'd you get that? 朋友给的From a friend. 卡罗琳给的吗Caroline? -你应该知道那是我的吧 -不再是了- You know that's mine, don't you? - Not any more. 有意思Funny. -现在请你把它给我 -我是不会把它给你的- I'd like it back, please. - I'm not giving it to you. 我会还给卡罗琳 如果她愿意还给你就还给你I'll give it to Caroline. She can give to you if she feels like it. 或者我可以自己抢过来Or I could just take it right now. 杰里米Jeremy 我之前担心死你了I was so worry about you. 我很好 不过I'm fine now, but... 我要走了I gotta leave. 什么 去哪What? Where? 我要离开小镇 杰里I gotta get out of here, Jer. 我只是 无法再回去和马特一起生活I just, I can't live at home with Matt. 他就是不明白He jusr dosen't get it