

2016-06-10    12'09''

主播: 以沫 132

1448 144

不行 你不能走No, You can't, You can't just leave. 跟我来Come with me. 如果你跟我一起 我们就能永远在一起了If you come with me, we can be together foever. 好Ok. 好的Yeah. 你太入戏了 真把自己当吸血鬼了You're taking that costume a little too far. 真的吗 真是太酷了 真是太棒了Really? I know it's so cool. I know it's awsome. 怎么 怎么了What? What is it? 薇姬Viki? 薇姬 薇姬 你干嘛Viki. Viki. What the hell? 我的天啊Oh, my god! 不要 住手No! Stop! 不要No! 薇姬 住手Viki! No! 不要No. 薇姬Vicki 快走 进屋去Go, get inside, 快走Go! 薇姬Vicki 薇姬Vicki 薇姬Vicki 薇姬Vicki 先把他带走Get him out of here. -干嘛 -我需要你帮忙- What? - I need your help. 你怎么了What happened to you? 我又做了什么 我说不清I did something. I don't know. 是我的项链驱使的It came from my necklace. 你从哪弄到的Where'd you get that? 是服装上的一部分 无关紧要的垃圾货而已It's part my costume, it's piece of junk. 你所谓无关紧要的垃圾货That piece of junk belongs to 属于我们家族里最强大的女巫之一One of the most powerful witches of our family. 我给你看Let me show you. 就是她There she is. 艾米莉·贝内特Emily Bennett 你的曾曾曾祖母Your great great great great grandmother. 照片上那个项链就是你戴的这个And there is your necklace. 你走吧 我来处理You should go. I got this. 是你一手造成的 都是你的错You did this. This is your fault. 你骂我也没用 我从来不会懊悔自己的行为You confuse me for someone with remorse. 我根本就无所谓 她死了又怎样None of this matters to me. None of it. 你周围的人接连送命 怎么能无所谓People die around you. How could it not matter? 明明是有所谓的 你也知道 It matters and you know it. 你得走了You need to leave. 你的伤口在流血Your wounds are bleeding. 你 得 走 了And you need to leave. 埃琳娜 有没有见到...Elena. Hey! Have you seen... 怎么回事Whoa. What... what happened? 没什么 一个蠢蛋用假血喷了我Nothing. Some idiot with some fake blood got me. 我得回家去洗个澡I'm gonna go home and shower. 我找不到薇姬了 她完全屏蔽我了I can't find Vicki. She totally bailed on me.我不知道她去哪了I don't know where she is. 难道这就是我的命吗 一辈子都要为她操心is this what I'm in for,a lifetime of worrying about her? 你是个好哥哥 马特You're a good brother, Matt. 好吧 也许她回家了Yeah. Maybe she went home. 也许吧Maybe... 好的Okay. 他在哪Where is he? 里面Inside. 你明白今晚发生了什么吗Do you understand what happened tonight? 不明白No... 我不明白 我知道自己看见了什么 但是...I don't understand. I mean I know what I saw, but... 但我不明白I don't understand. 她要杀我She was going to kill me. 现在她死了 薇姬死了Now she is dead. Vicki is dead. 我真的很抱歉 杰里I...I'm so sorry. Jer. 快停止吧 我的心好痛Make it stop. It hurts. 没事的 会好的Shh, Shh. It's okay...It's okay. 为什么我眼见身边的人一个个死去Why does everybody have to die on me? 天呐 快过来Oh, my god. Come here. 你还好吗Are you ok? 我 我本想帮她的I...uh...I wanted to help her. 结果却...But, instead...uh... 他怎么样了How's he doing? 他现在一团糟He's a mess. 我不想让他再面对所爱之人死亡的痛苦I don't want him going through this again. 他只是个孩子He is just a kid. 埃琳娜 我能做些什么Elena, what can I do? 我能怎么帮他 任何事都行What can I do to help? I'll do anything.. 你能让他忘却吗Can you make him forget? 埃琳娜Elena.... 斯特凡 拜托了Stefan, please! 我不知道他要如何才能忘记此番伤痛I don't know how he'll ever get past this? 我只想让他忘记发生的所有事I just want him to forget everything that happened. 即使我做了 也不能保证会有用If I did. There's no guarantee that it would work. 因为我的为人 以及我信奉的原则because of who I am, because of how I live. -我没有足够的能力做好 -我可以- I don't have the ability do it right. - I can do it. 如果你真想这样的话If this is what you want. 我会去做I'll do it. 我就想那样It's what I want. 你想让他记住什么What do you want him to know? 我想要你告诉他I want you to tell him... 薇姬离开小镇了That Vicki left town. 而且她不会再回来了And she's not coming back. 告诉他不必找她 或担心她That he shouldn't look for her or worry about her. 他会想念她He's gotta miss her, 但他知道 这样对大家都好but he knows it's for the best. 我有点希望 自己也可以忘记一切Part of me wishes that I could forget, too... 忘记认识你Forget meeting you. 忘记发现你的真实身份Finding out what you are 以及之后发生的所有事情And everthing that's happened since. 如果你想这样的话If that's what you want. 是的Yes, it is. 因为我不希望事情变成如今的局面Because I don't want it to be like this. 我不想如此痛苦I don't wanna feel like this. 可我不能忘But I can't. 发生了这么多的事With everything that's happend... 我不能忘记对你的感觉I can't lose the way I feel about you. 搞定了It's done