

2016-06-26    11'31''

主播: 以沫 132

2744 142

可你来了But you're here... 因为你是深爱着他的'Cause you're crazy about him. 我明白的I get it, ok? 谁能不爱他呢I mean, What's not to love? 听我说 听我这个老人的话吧Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time. 当真爱出现时 千万不要错过When it's real, you can't walk away. 莱希Hey, Lexi. 真的很高兴遇见你It was really nice meeting you. 没错 我把你那杯给喝了 对不起Yep, I drank yours. Sorry. 谢谢你Thank you. 你不该偷听我们说话的You weren't supposed to be listening. 我感觉好伟大 说不清I was feeling epic. Whatever. 别声张Keep this contained. 还不止这个That's not all. 你看见是什么干的吗Did you see what did this? 告诉我你看见了什么Tell me everything you saw. 你还是来了You came. 我可不能错过你一百多岁的生日派对I couldn't miss your hundredth and whatever birthday. 我...我滑了I slim-- I'm slipped. 我滑了一下I slipped. 喝醉了吧Hammered, huh? 有个人好但不帅的吧台服务生Well... a very nice but not handsome bartender 今晚很照顾我Was very kind to me tonight. 不像其他人那样Unlike the rest of the global humanverse. 那是炸薯圈吗Are those curly fries? 给这位醉小姐来杯咖啡Coffee for the drunk girl. 今晚不顺心吗Bad night, huh? 糟透了Baddest. 我肤浅吗Am I shallow? 嘿 这问题有诈吗Heh. Is that a trick question? 我也不想肤浅I don't mean to be. 我也想有内涵I--I wanna be deep. 我想变得 像深渊那般深沉莫测I wanna be, like, the abyss deep.无意冒犯 卡No offense, Car, 深沉实在不是你的风格啊But deep's really not your scene. 对啊That's true. 我很肤浅I'm shallow. 比肤浅还糟I am worse than shallow. 像儿童泳池那么浅I'm a kiddie pool. 才不是呢You're not a kiddie pool. 不是你说的那样You're not a kiddie pool. 我能回家了吗Can I just go home? -是的 -恩- Yeah. - Ok. 我送你 走吧I'll take you. Come on. 你还好吧Hey, you're ok. 她没事的 站着别动 别动She's all right. Hold still. Hold still. 好了All right. 发生什么了What happened? -她还好吗 -别装模作样的- Is she ok? - Like you care. 她醉了吗She's drunk? 烂醉如泥As a skunk. 吧台居然卖酒给你?Are they serving you in there? 我会送她回家的Uh, I'll take her home. 刚好顺路 我也没喝酒It's on my way. I haven't been drinking. 很感激你 马特 谢谢I would appreciate that, Matt. Thank you. 我们待会再讨论这事You and I will discuss this later. 恩 我都等不及了Mmm. Can't wait. 别让任何人离开这儿Don't let anybody else leave. 好吧 这酒算是贿赂你的All right, the shots are a bribe. 请回答我一个问题I need you to answer a question. 你来神秘瀑布镇到底要做什么What are you really doing in Mystic Falls? 你尝过酥糖了吗 美誉度极高哦Have you tried the brittle? It wins awards. 别胡说八道了Cut the crap. 好吧Ok. 我有一个邪恶的计划I have a diabolical master plan. 是什么What is it? 如果我现在告诉你Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be 就谈不上邪恶了 不是吗Very diabolical, now, would it? 注意 看看四周Ok, look around. 发现了就告诉我Let me know if you see him. 你在做什么What are you doing? 谢谢你的马鞭草Thank you for the vervain. 我们先告辞了Now if you'll excuse me. 天呐Oh, my god. 发生什么事了What is it? 借过 借过Excuse me. Excuse me. 此路不通Can't go out this way. 为什么Why? 这也是计划的一部分It's part of the plan. 你还好吗You ok? 谢谢你Thank you. 快把她放到车上Get it in the car quickly. 女士 我检查了所有的身份证Lady, I checked everyone's I.D. 显然你有所疏漏Yeah, apparently you didn't. 木棒插得又准又稳 达蒙 Pretty handy with that stake, Damon. 那只是条件反射It just, uh--reflex. 我猜是肾上腺素飙升吧I guess the adrenaline kicked in. 噩梦终于过去了This nightmare is finally over. 是呀 幸好找到了目击者Yeah. Caught a lucky break with that witness. 要不是她 你根本无法辨认出吸血鬼Without her, you wouldn't have been able to I.D. the vampire. 很幸运Very lucky. 再次说声谢谢Well, thank you again. 不客气You're welcome. 你还好吗You gonna be ok? 不好No. 你有没有觉得Do you ever feel like 世上没有一个人是爱你的there's not a person in the world that loves you? 生活艰辛嘛Life can be a little rough. 我只希望...I just wish... 希望什么What? 希望生活...Wish that life was... 有所不同Different. 我也是Yeah. Me, too. 拜托Please... 别丢下我一个人Don't leave me alone. 斯特凡Stefan. 斯特凡Stefan. 他杀了她He killed her. 他杀了扎克He killed Zach.他杀了泰纳 还把薇姬变成吸血鬼He killed Tanner. He turned Vicki. 我得杀了他I have to kill him. 不 你不能这么做No. You can't do that. 埃琳娜 你为什么要帮他Why are you trying to save him, Elena? 他不会改变的 你不明白这点吗He's never gonna change. Don't you see that? 他禀性难移He's never gonna change. 我不是要帮他I'm not trying to save him. 我是想帮你 你不知道I'm trying to save you. You have no idea. 此事会对你产生怎样的影响 求你了 斯特凡What this will do to you. Please, Stefan. 无论我到哪儿 痛苦和死亡都如影随形Everywhere that I go, pain and death follow. 达蒙总跟着我 我受够了Damon follows me. No more. 拜托 拜托 和我说说话吧Stefan, please. Please, just--just talk to me. 让我陪着你 跟我说说吧Let me be here for you. Talk to me. 不No. 你离开我是对的You were right to stay away from me. 我说过我会处理的Told you I'd take care of it. 我是为了你 不让他们发现我们的踪迹Come on. I did this for you to get 'em off our trail. 你从来都只为自己打算 怎么会是为我You never do anything for anyone but yourself. 你没刺中要害You missed. 是没有 你救了我的命No. You saved my life. 所以我不杀你I'm sparing yours. 我们扯平了We're even. 恩怨就此了结And now we're done. 劫数将至It's coming. 属于我们家族最厉害的女巫之一 That belonged to one of the most powerful witches of our family, 艾米莉·贝内特Emily Bennett. 我要拿回我的水晶I want my crystal back. -在邦妮那里 -去拿回来- Bonnie has it. - Get it from her. 不要把它给任何人Don't be giving that back to anybody. 今天我们学阴影估测法Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning. 是一种根据阳光投射的影子计算高度的方法This is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow. 比如说 Let's say, for example, 如果我们要计算影子的距离that we're going to measure the distance of the shadow. 就要知道这个长度We're gonna take this measurement here, 测出长度Measure the length, 然后和原高度相乘And we're going to multiply that the height of the source. 此法还能测算建筑物的高度Building height can also be measured using a kilometer. 我们明天会学这部分Which we are going to make it in class tomorrow. 一会儿我给你们发些讲义...I'm going to give you a hand-out about... 有人吗Hello? 请帮帮我Please help me. 你是谁Who are you? 艾米莉I'm Emily. 你知道的You know that. 我们是一家人We are family. 我在哪里Where am I? 一切就是从这里开始的This is where it started. 也必须在这里结束And this is where it has to end. 不 这不是真的No. This isn't real. 帮帮我Help me. 看什么看What are you looking at? 转过去Turn around. 你都不跟邦妮说话了吗Have you even talked to Bonnie? 是的 我生她气了 她应该先道歉No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move. 大度点吧Be the bigger person. 对她不行Impossible in her presence. 你怎么对她生那么大的气Why are you so pissed at her, anyway?