Maisy goes to the library(波波在图书馆)(中英文)

Maisy goes to the library(波波在图书馆)(中英文)

2016-04-27    11'22''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

324 8

Maisy likes going to the library. How lovely to look at a book in a nice quiet place. 小鼠波波Maisy很喜欢去图书馆,在静静的角落里看书是件多么惬意的事情啊。 It was the sort of day when Maisy wanted a book about fish. She found a flappy book about birds….but no fish… She found a shiny green book about turtles….. and a great big stripy book about tigers…but no fish! 波波在图书馆找一本谈论鱼类的书,他找到了一本关于鸟类的书籍,一本绿皮的关于乌龟的书,还有一本满是条纹关于老虎的书籍,可就是没找着关于鱼类的书。 Never mind, there are so many other things to do in the library…. Use the computer…listen to music…. Make a copy of your favorite picture… look at the fish in the aquarium…. 没关系,图书馆也有其它事情做啊。。。。 用计算机上网,听听音乐,复印些心爱的图册,观赏下水族箱里的金鱼。。。。 Aquarium? That’s it! so maisy looked by the aquarium…. and that’s exactly where she found a book about fish… and it was sparkly! 水族箱?对了,关于鱼类的书肯定是藏在这里了,看,还闪闪发光呢! Maisy settled down to read in a quiet corner… and started laughing (at Tallulah’s funny face!) and then Eddie came in…. and shouted “story time!” 波波抱着找到的书在一个安静的角落里翻阅起来了,看着朋友Tallulah滑稽的脸露出喜悦的面容, 而后,大象朋友Eddie进来了,吼了一起”故事时间到啦!“ Because ostrich was going to tell a story in the story corner…. Maisy’s quiet corner! 因为鸵鸟马上就要在波波读书的地方讲故事了。。。。 “There was an old woman, who swallowed a fly…..
Charley started laughing. “She swallowed a dog to catch the cat!” Then everyone started laughing! 鸵鸟绘声绘色地讲道 “从前有个老夫人,它有天吃进去一支苍蝇。。。。 “ 那个妇人还吞进去一只狗,让狗去抓住猫!” 听着这个有趣的故事,在场所有人都呵吱呵吱地笑个不停。 And they were still laughing when they checked out their books, and went outside to play. 这些听众直到图书借阅处登记的时候还笑声不止,借完书后集体去公园玩耍啦。 In the park, Cyril and Charley pretended to be the old woman and her dog. Tallulah meowed like a cat….. and Eddie neighed like a horse. And Maisy….? 在公园里,Cycil 和 Charley 二人假装成老妇人和狗。 Tallulah喵喵叫着扮成猫。。。。 而大象Eddie装成一匹骏马。。。 波波去哪儿啦。。。。 Maisy read her sparkly book about fish in a nice….quiet…place…. 原来呀,波波抱着那本闪着波光的鱼类书籍,正在安静的角落看书呐。