口语侠app每日英语早读朗读版|10-20 一旦决定就不要轻易怀疑

口语侠app每日英语早读朗读版|10-20 一旦决定就不要轻易怀疑

2016-10-20    00'53''

主播: 启蒙英语

208 2

关注微信公众号@ 口语侠(ID:kouyuxia2015) 查看更多英语学习资讯! 好玩有趣有料,有外教,有英语大咖 下载口语侠app, 把外教和英语精品课程装进口袋 让你成为能用英语交流的人,发现更大世界 —————————————————— Once you've made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed. Life and work can be hard and even cruel. Remember, the race is not for the swift but rather those who persevere. Rather than allowing doubt to seep in and poison your process, you owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan. Adapt as needed along the way, but always know that success will ultimately be yours.