【TAL】0603. Once More, With Feeling

【TAL】0603. Once More, With Feeling

2016-12-08    61'01''

主播: 幸福咩咩

30 0

❤节目简介❤ Hi~咩咩又来上传新节目了 这个节目咩咩很喜欢 但是听的期数太少,还没有摸清楚节目的套路 只能说,每期节目约1个小时,分四个部分 官方有完整的文本,我把文本都存在百度云盘里了 有需要和咩咩一起学习用的,可以去下载 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pL0I4tH 密码:ljuw 只拿来学习用,不作为商业用途,侵权删除 本期节目: 603: Once More, With Feeling DEC 2, 2016 Stories of people who decide to rethink the way they’ve been doing things... or try to get others to do that. Including the story of a veteran who finds a new way to talk about war. PROLOGUE Ira talks to Eleanor Gordon-Smith, a writer/reporter in Australia who decides to confront her catcallers and figure why they do it. (5 ½ minutes) ACT ONE - Hollaback Girl The story from the prologue continues. Eleanor tries to persuade Zack and Mike not to catcall or accost women in the streets of King’s Cross. She ends up having a long, open, and honest conversation with Zack. (13 ½ minutes) ACT TWO - The Real Decoy Producer Stephanie Foo talks to veteran Michael Pitre, who had to change the way he talked about his experiences in the military after he realized the effect it was having on people. Michael is author of the novel "Fives and Twenty-Fives." (19 ½ minutes) ACT THEREE - You Had One Job A bomb disposal robot is assigned a new and even more complicated task. Fiction by Scott Brown, read by actor Jeremy Shamos. (19 minutes)