

2016-03-14    17'54''

主播: 1931752

355 22

如何写工作日志:效率、自我管理和团队成长|洋合资本.律师学院 Daily work plan and summary The science of stamina has advanced to the point where individuals, teams, and whole organizations can, with some straightforward interventions, significantly increase their capacity to get things done. 关于 精力的科学已经证明个人、团队、整个组织,是可以通过一些简单易行的措施可以极大提高我们处理问题的能力。 by Tony Schwartz Source: Harvard Business Review Key points关键点提示 Why Work plan report freedom autonomy self management self government efficiency work team growth Perks for lawyers at least for yang team What and how Standard One sentence or two Progress Reasonably clear Informative Interesting for you and readers Insightful inspiring Illustration 1 Work project item: A's LSE IPO B's NEEQ Listing 2. Plan or description Prospectus amendment : VIE compliance, foreign Or Research on Property effect Contract effect Or a case, a project 3 progress Date and result Follow up Weekly result Free info act 4 major issues and solutions Listing decision Merger control Indemnity VIE eligibility Legality contract 5 direction or training 6 peer discussion or opinions 7 key contacts