

2016-06-12    05'50''

主播: 笑笑英语语法

312 27

上期答案公布 Unless it rains, the game will be played. As long as we don't lose heart ,we'll be able to find a way to overcome the difficuities. 今天为大家带来的是地点状语从句 还是欣赏一些优美的句子吧。。。。。。 Wherever you go ,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 where there is love,there are always wishes. 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。 下面讲解一下今天的语法点地点状语从句 1.位置:句首,句中,句尾 2.引导词:where,wherever 3.区分 where a. Where he made mistakes, he admitted these willingly. 他在什么地方做错了事,他都乐于承认这些错误。 wherever b.Wherever he went ,he carried a notebook around with him. 不管走到哪里他都随身携带着笔记本。 区分 where在地点状语从句和在定语从句中的区别 where在定语从句中,从句前有先行词, where在状语从句中,无需先行词 1.Please go back where you came from. 请你从哪儿来回哪儿去。(状语从句) 2.Please go back the city where you came from. 请你回到你来的那座城市中去。(定语从句) HAVE A TRY 露西在下公交车的地方仍然打不到出租车。 这是我出生的城镇。
上一期: 条件状语从句
下一期: 20160617122410