【娇点英语】A Place to Stand | 一席之地

【娇点英语】A Place to Stand | 一席之地

2020-07-30    02'38''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】A Place to Stand | 一席之地 主播:Steven (美国) A Place to Stand 一席之地 Charles Garfield If you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth isnot the most intimate you 'll ever have. It is one of life'sfrequent nonencounters: you hand over some moneyyou might get change; you drive off. 如果你曾经过收费亭,你该知道你与亭子里的那个人的关系不属于最亲密的那一种。这是生活中最常见的一种邂近:你把钱递过去,对方或许会找零钱给你,然后你就开车走了 Late one morning in 1984, headed for lunch in San Francisco, I drove toward a booth. I heard loud music It sounded like a party. I looked around. No other cars with their windows open. No sound trucks. I looked at the toll booth. Inside it, the man was dancing. 在1984年的一个上午,我前往旧金山吃午餐。车开到了一个收费亭旁。我听到了非常响的音乐声。听起来好像是在举行聚会似的。我四处看看,所有车的窗子都是紧关着的,也无(竞选、做广告等用的)带扬声器的车辆。我朝收费亭里看了看,里面有一个人正在跳舞。 “ What are you doing?” I asked. I'm having a party, "he said. “你在干吗?”我问 “我在跳舞。”他答。 "What about the rest of the people? "I looked at the other toll booths. “那么那些人怎么办?”我看着其他的收费亭。 He said,“ What do those look like to you?” He pointed down the row of toll booths. “对你来说那些东西看起来像什么?”他指着那一排收费亭问道。 "They look like... toll booths. What do they look like to you?” "它们…就像收费亭。那么对你来说它们像什么呢?” He said, "Vertical coffins. At 8: 30 every morning, live people get in. Then they die for eight hours. At 4: 30, like Lazarus from the dead, they reemerge and go home. For eight hours, The brain is on hold, dead on the job. Going through the motions.” 他回答道:“像竖起来的棺材。每天早上8:30,这些大活人走进棺材。然后,他们在里面死上8个小时。下午4:30分,像复活的拉撒路一样,他们又出来了,然后回家。这8个小时里,他们的大脑处于高度紧张状态,忙得脑子几乎都不转了,人就像死了一般,只是讲行着机械操作。” I was amazed. This guy had developed a philosophy, a mythology about his job. Sixteen people dead on the job, and the seventeenth, precisely in the same situation, figured out a way to live. I could not help asking the next question, "Why is it different for you? You're having a good time.” 我听后非常吃惊。这个人有他自己的一套处世哲学,有一个关于他的工作的神话。16个人像死人一样地在工作,处在一模一样情况中的第17个人悟出了一条生存的哲学,我忍不住又问了他一个问题:“为什么你就不是这样?你此刻多快活啊! He looked at me, "I knew you were going to ask that. I don,t understand why anybody would think my job is boring. I have a corner office, glass on all sidesIcan see the Golden Gate, San Francisco, and the Berkeley Hills. Half the Western world vacations here... and I just stroll in every day and practice dancing. 他看着我说道:“我就知道你要问这个。我真不知道 为什么人们就认定我的工作该是枯燥的。我有一个带拐角的办公室,而且四面都是玻璃。在里面,我可以看到金门、旧金山,还有伯克利山脉。西方世界一半的名胜都在此处尽收眼底。我每天都在其中漫步,跳舞!”