

2020-10-15    04'03''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】长寿老人 主播:娇娇 (美国) 2018年 10岁录音 Merle Olive Phillips lived long enough to become a supercentenarian — a person who is more than 110 years old — and she chronicled her life while authoring 11 autobiographical books about her life experiences. “I think that what I’m going to remember about Merle is that she personified what many of us hope to be. She lived a long, healthy life, which most of us hope to do, and kindness was paramount in her life,” said Jeanne Hansen, the executive director of the Belmont Village senior living facility in Carol Stream, where Phillips lived. “She tried to serve her God and to serve others.” Phillips, 111, died of kidney failure Saturday at her home, said Linda DuBose, a longtime friend. Phillips had lived in Carol Stream since January 2014 and previously had been a longtime Wheaton resident. Phillips, at 111 years and 132 days old, is among the oldest Illinoisans to die in recent years, according to the Gerontology Research Group, which regularly updates listings of living and deceased supercentenarians worldwide. Edna Lawler, of Hazel Crest, was 112 years and 18 days old, and recognized as the oldest person in Illinois when she died in January 2016. Two other Illinois women died at ages 112 and 111 in 2017, according to the research group’s website. 芝加哥最年長老人Merle Olive Phillips 告別人世, 壽命111歲, 有十一本著作暢談人生經驗。 BY THECHICAGOCHINESENEWS ON AUGUST 21, 2018• ( LEAVE A COMMENT ) (芝加哥時報訊)芝加哥在世最久的女人Merle Olive Phillips, 日前壽終正寢,因腎功能衰竭去世,壽命高達111歲又132天,是近年來芝加哥地區最年長的伊利諾伊人之一,………………………………………………….根據”老年學研究組” (Gerontology Research Group)的記載, 2016年1月去世的超級百歲老人112歲又18天的埃德娜·勞勒(Edna Lawler)是伊州最年長的人,另外兩位112歲和111歲的人瑞則於2017年逝世。 梅勒菲莉普斯是一位非常傳奇性的人物,個性樂觀豁達,她曾經撰寫了11本關於她的人生經歷的自傳書籍,完全記錄了她漫長又健康的生活。出生於阿肯色州京斯敦的梅勒菲莉普斯在4個月大時,和家人一起搬到了愛荷華州。1926年她在愛荷華州高中畢業,1930年從愛荷華布埃納文圖拉大學取得心理學和教育獲得學士學位,並於1933年取得愛荷華大學碩士學位。 在愛荷華大學期間,菲力浦斯遇到了她的丈夫倫納德菲力浦斯。他們於1937年結婚,她和她的丈夫後來搬到了芝加哥,並於50年代搬到了芝加哥西郊惠頓市。她在芝加哥工作了25年,從事化學實驗室的油漆樣品工作, 之後,她在惠頓地區工作,退休後照顧孩子,也照顧老年人,直到99歲半退休。 菲力浦斯的丈夫於1968年死於白血病,她自己曾遭逢大車禍, 1971年從實驗室回家途中被一輛半卡車撞倒, 包括肝臟裂開,肋骨骨折6根,骨折12根,背部骨折,肺部穿刺,下唇縫合13針,非常嚴重,但是幸運之神照顧她, 讓他活得更長壽,菲力浦斯在她100歲生日之後寫了第11本書,講述了她在愛荷華州西北部農村的年輕的故事,由於膝下無子,菲力浦斯以十一本人生著作遺留人間。