

2020-12-07    09'46''

主播: 娇点英语

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被“番茄炒蛋”刷屏的故事 A young Chinese boy came to the U.S. as the eighth day. He was going to a party in the evening, he wanted to make a traditional Chinese dish stir fried tomato with eggs, but he has no idea how to make it. 一个年轻人刚来到美国要去参加同学的聚会,他想做一个中国传统菜 番茄炒蛋,但是他并不知道怎么做。 As the time getting closer, he got panic, so he wechat his mom, "Mom for "番茄炒蛋” should I put tomato first or eggs first?" Then he was waiting for his mom to answer it eagerly. 离聚会的时间越来越近了,他焦急万分,最后微信给他的妈妈。然后他开始焦急的等待着。 "My dear, 番茄炒蛋 is so easy, fist you chop the tomato, You star the eggs evenly put a little bit salt and then pour some oil into the pot...then warm the oil...” His father added. By double talking the whole convocation got messed up. 但是他依然搞不清要怎么做 番茄炒蛋。 The young boy got even frustrated, as seeing the party msg keep on and on they were all about to arrive, he was so worried. 年轻男孩看着朋友们马上要到达聚会地点了,他抓耳挠腮。 Just by then, the clear video with his mom showing how to make 番茄炒蛋 is coming. 正在此时,一个清晰的妈妈制作番茄炒蛋的录像来了,他高兴极了。 It was a party time, everyone complimented the young boy's 番茄炒蛋, during the chatting, they asked him, what's the time difference between U.S. to China. He replied happily, 12 hours. As soon as he said that he soon realized when he called his parents it was their bed time. 聚会之时,大家都夸奖他的 番茄炒蛋,当大家问他中国和美国的时差时,他信口答道12小时时差的时候,他突然意识到,他的父母是在半夜里做的 番茄炒蛋。 Back to that time, in China, the mom woke up was laying the bed answering how to make 番茄炒蛋, and his father was also trying to help, " I can't hear it! I can't make it!" The young boy replied in frustrated voice. So both parents had to get out off the bed and went to the kitchen, with the mom making 番茄炒蛋 and the father record the video in the midnight. After sending the Video the parents didn't go back to sleep and worrying if their son made it or not? Until the boy replied. 镜头推到在深夜的中国,妈妈被微信吵醒坐在床上回答如何制作 番茄炒蛋,爸爸也在一边急切的解答。最后他们不得不在深夜里走进厨房,妈妈演示 番茄炒蛋的做法,爸爸拍录像。等录像发出去后,父母焦急的等待着儿子的反应。一直等到儿子参加了聚会,才发来的等待已久的微信:“妈妈,番茄炒蛋很成功!”他们安心的笑了。 1 1 想留你身边,更想你拥有全世界。 I want to keep you, but want you have the whole world. 你的世界大于全世界。 Your world is bigger than the whole world. 娇娇和妈妈都很喜欢这个故事,也很感动,因为娇娇和妈妈在美国的时候,娇娇的外公外婆在中国也是这样不顾时差的给娇娇和妈妈发微信的。 今天聊番茄炒蛋, 咱们就从“炒菜”开始说吧, 英文中有这样几个词可以表示“炒”。  1.  fry v. 它的原意表示把东西放在油里“炸”,那么放很多油翻炒,也可以叫fry,例如:Fried rice noodles 炒米粉。  2.  scramble v. 这个词的原意表示”搅乱"。而我们做炒菜,不就是把很多食材放在锅里搅拌翻炒吗?所以scramble用来表示“翻炒”非常贴切。番茄炒蛋就是把番茄和鸡蛋搅在一起,所以翻译成“scrambled eggs with tomatoes”。  3.  stir v. 这个词也有表示搅拌,而且是快速搅拌。stir-fry 经常用于翻译菜名,表示快速翻炒,例如:stir-fried squid and green pepper 就是炒鱿鱼(配青椒)啦! 除了炒。 还有“boil”煮,例如:Boil Shrimp 白灼虾; "steam" 蒸,例如:steamed bread 馒头; "roast"烤,例如 Roast duck 烤鸭。