【娇点英语】10岁主播娇娇接受2022 东奥会学生采访

【娇点英语】10岁主播娇娇接受2022 东奥会学生采访

2021-07-03    10'57''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语】10岁主播娇娇接受2022 东奥会学生采访 (原名:为你读美语) 一位来自北京的小学五年级的小记者,通过语音采访了在美国的同龄华裔女孩 Nina 娇娇, 以及生活在日本的一位初中留学生,让我们来听一听他们作为生活在国外的孩子们是如何看待2022 冬奥会的吧。 小记者:Nina 同学,你好,我是一名来自“北京市东城区板厂小学”的五年级学生, 我叫李高铭,我平时总是听你的“为你读美语”节目,非常喜欢。 我在完成一份关于2022年冬季奥运会的英语采访作业,Nina同学,你作为一个在美国的花滑运动爱好者,可以接受一下我的简短采访吗? Nina 同学, 第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会,将在中国举行。这是中国历史上第一次举办冬季奥运会,你对此有什么感想? 主播 Nina:我相信这对许多国家来说,都是一个非常好的机会,让奥运会在他们的国家竞争。奥运会在我看来,是对尊贵运动员们的致敬。它把世界上所有国家的优秀运动员聚集在一起,赋予荣誉,让每个人都来参与到这项活动中去。 I believe that this is a very good opportunity for many countries, to have the Olympics compete in their nation. The Olympic games is a tribute to honorable athletes in the past. This will bring all the nations in the world and all the famous athletes together to honor this amazing event everyone can enjoy. 我认为这就像传承一种传统一样。当一代人享受了这一神圣的传统,这项传统就会传承到下一代。正如奥运会,将这一“传统”通过一个个国家来传承而传播于全世界。 I thought of this like passing a tradition around. Every time one generation enjoys this, the tradition is passed on to another. Just like the countries, “passing around” the Olympic Games around and across the world. 奥运会将于2022年在中国举行,虽然我出生并生活在美国,但我认为这次的冬季奥运会在中国举办,对我来说,是一个非常精彩的决定。冬季奥运会每四年在不同的国家举行,让世界上每个国家都能表达对奥林匹克运动的感受。我相信今年,中国借此机会,也可以分享他们对冬奥会活动的感想。 In 2022, it will be in China and although I live and was born in America, I think that this multi-sport event taking place China is a very phenomenal decision to me. The Olympics taking place every four years in a different country, allows every country in the world to express their feeling about the Olympic sports. I believe that this year, China can be able to also share their thoughts about these winter Olympic activities. 小记者:Nina 同学,你最喜欢的冰雪运动是什么? 主播 Nina:我最喜欢做的运动是花样滑冰。当我在做花样滑冰运动的时候,我觉得我是一只优雅的天鹅,随波移动。我在厚度为两毫米的刀片上滑行。我认为这是所有运动中最具挑战性的运动之一,因为你必须能够在两个毫米厚的刀上旋转和跳跃。虽然在外表看来非常轻松。但是其实训练是很不容易的,也许没有人能看出来,因为它看起来很容易。这是一个挑战,但我喜欢挑战。挑战帮助我成长,挑战让我更强大,它们帮助我进步,当我挑战自己时,我会犯错误,但错误有助于我学习。 My favorite winter sport to do and watch is figure skating. Doing this, I am pretending to be a graceful swan, moving naturally. I am gliding across the thin sheet of glass on a blade that is a millimeter thick. I think that this is one of the most challenging sports in all of the sports because you have to be able to spin and jump on a knife that is a millimeter thick. While acting light and easy on the outside. But you know that your practice has been tiring, training. No one can tell because you make it look easy. This is a challenge. But I like challenges. Challenges help me grow, challenges make me stronger and they help me learn. I make mistakes when I challenge myself. But mistakes help me learn. 我喜欢花样滑冰比赛,我不是只为赢而去比赛,我是通过竞争知道,“它是怎么回事?我下次应该怎样改进?这段经历是如何改变我的?“ I love competing figure skating and I don't compete to win, but I compete to know, “How did it go? How should I improve next time? How did this experience change me?” 小记者:Nina 同学最想看的比赛是什么? 主播 Nina:当然,我最喜欢看的运动是花样滑冰。 My favorate sport is figure skating absolutly. 小记者:为什么呢? 主播 Nina:我喜欢这项运动,因为它独特,它是独一无二的。其他任何竞技运动不包括舞蹈等艺术,但花样滑冰不同。如果你在观看奥运会期间的所有运动,就会发现花样滑冰在众项运动中脱颖而出,因为它是唯一结合了力量和艺术的运动。他们穿着闪亮的溜冰服来展示他们的运动,这就是让他们与众不同的原因。 I like this sport because it is different. It is unique. While other sports don’t include an art such as dance, ice skating does. If you watch all the sports in the Olympics, ice skating stands out among the crowd, because it is the only sport with strength and art combined. They wear glittering dresses to present their sports. But that’s what makes them special. 我非常高兴2022年的冬奥会在中国举行。 So I honor the Olympics in 2022 to be in China. 小记者:谢谢你接受我的采访,欢迎你2022 年来北京观看比赛,我一定作为志愿者热情的接待你和你的家人。 主播 Nina: 我也期待着观看所有的比赛。谢谢你的采访! I am looking forward to watching all the sports there. Thanks for interviewing me! 来自留日生的回答: (盛直人,14岁,东京早稻田大学附中初二留学生,喜欢学习剑道,足球。) I think that a lot of countries take part in Olympic Game.So they can advertise their famous popular things and cultures. Also, China is host country,as the host country I think China should advertise itself to the world. 我认为很多国家都参加了奥运会。所以他们可以宣传他们的热门事物和文化。此外,中国是东道国,作为东道国,我认为中国应向世界宣传自己。 My favorite sports in winter is ice hockey. I like football very much and ice hockey is similar with football, so I like to watch it. Although it is a little dangerous but it’s really exciting for me. I want to watch the figure skate matches the best. Because I like Yuzuru Hanyu. Do you know him? He is a famous player from Japan and he is very handsome. In addition to his looks, his skating skills are perfect ! I hope you could like him as same as me. 冬天我最喜欢的运动是冰球。我非常喜欢足球,冰球与足球相似,所以我喜欢看它。虽然它有点危险,但对我来说真的很令人兴奋。我想看花样滑冰,因为我喜欢羽生正铉。你认识他吗?他是来自日本的花样滑冰运动员,他非常英俊。除了他的外表,他的滑冰技巧也很完美!我希望你能像我一样喜欢他。