【跟Annie练口语】 give 动词词组

【跟Annie练口语】 give 动词词组

2016-12-22    01'53''

主播: 跟Annie练口语

340 10

give away 赠送,免费给 I gave away all of my old books, because I'm not going to read them again. 我把我所有的旧书送给别人了,因为不会再去读那些书。 give back 归还 Please give it back to me. 把那个还给我。 give in 让步 All right, I give in. Do whatever you want. 好吧,我认输了,谁你的便。 give it up 对某人放弃 Dude,give it up. You are not king of the world. 兄弟,放弃吧。你不是世界之王。 give up 放弃 Don't give up so quickly. Nothing is impossible. 不要放弃这么快。没有什么不可能的。