

2019-03-12    04'47''

主播: 365英语学社

971 4

自由生活的权利,比什么都重要 源自:网络 | 主播:婷婷 Cathy It's not easy to live and work in a big city, 'cause the competition is so fierce and you can barely balance your job and your life. 在大城市生活并不容易 因为竞争非常激烈 你几乎没有办法平衡工作与生活 It's not easy to live in a small city, 'cause everyone around you will think they have a say in how you live and you're basically living your life for others. 在小城市生活也不容易 因为你身边的每个人都觉得 他们在你的生活中有话语权 而你基本是在为别人而活 I live in one of the busiest city in the world and I just had a dinner with my former classmate several days ago. 我住在全球最繁忙的城市之一 几天前我刚刚和以前的同班同学吃了饭 She gave up. And she had decided to go back home. 她放弃了 她决定要回老家 "Sad." I thought. But I didn't stop her, because it was her own choice. “悲哀啊。”我当时想 不过我没有阻止她 因为这是她自己的选择 I, on the other hand, have a well paidjob. So my life is quite good in my point of view. 而我,有一份薪水不错的工作 所以在我看来,我的生活还挺好的 But I, too, had my tough days in the first few years after I came here. 不过,我曾经也一样 在刚来这座城市的那几年 也曾过着艰辛的日子 And even now, sometimes I got overwhelmed by the workload. 而即使现在 有时候我也觉得 被工作压得喘不过气来 But I conquered them. And they made me stronger. 但我战胜了它们 而且 它们让我变得更坚强了 I know it's hard to live in such a big city. 我知道 在大城市生活不容易 And I know it's also hard to live in a small city like my hometown, just in a different way. 我也知道 在一个像我家乡一样的小城市里生活 也并不容易 只是不容易的方式不同 But I chose here because it has the very thing that I cherish the most: the freedom to live my own life. 但我选择了这里 因为这里有我最珍视的东西: 过自己生活的自由 — E·N·D —