【Growing Up】Learning methods

【Growing Up】Learning methods

2016-11-27    37'47''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

81 1

Hostess:Charlotte&Jane Guests:Katy,Zengrui,Motty,Cathy,Damon,Tanboyang Editors:Charlotte&Jan CET4&CET6 are coming, do you remember the days when you were working hard? Is there anything you want to say to the freshmen? Do you want to share your experience about learning English? We want to hear your voice! 眼看着四六级就要来了,小鲜肉们准备好了吗?学长学姐们有什么过级经验要给我们学弟学妹们分享吗? Songs: 1.Close To You 2.Kiss It Better 3.Love On The Brain 4.Virginia Moon 5.Never Ending 6.Nightingale 7.Love Of Tower