【Growing Up】Western Festival

【Growing Up】Western Festival

2016-12-04    38'57''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

86 4

Hosts: Icarus Sam Guests: Pengjianan Chenkang Yaohuaizhi Yanyuzhu Yinzhenli Lilimingxiang Lishuhang Tangwenbang Editor: Sam There are so many festivals in western countries. For example, the Halloween and the Thanksgiving .So what's your favorite festival ? Does it have some special meanings to you? Come and share with us, we want to listen to your story!在不同的国家有不同的风俗,自然就有着不同的节日,有些节日是为了纪念一些事情,有些节日是来纪念一些人;像刚过去不久的感恩节,那么你了解的西方节日有哪些呢?