【Music Show 06】Flipped

【Music Show 06】Flipped

2017-10-30    42'51''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

103 0

Topic:Fllipped Hosts:Alana Orlando Guests: Rachel Rice Vera Paul Attis Editors: Alana Orlando Some of us get dipped in flat ,some in satin and some in gloss. But every once in a while,you find someone who's iridescent. And when you do,nothing will never compare. Thus,have you ever met that kind of man? 蹙眉间,颦笑里,一面眼缘让你辗转天明。朝夕处,旦晚依,一世坚守让你甘美甜蜜。 过去的,进行的,得到的,得不到的。 你有故事我有酒。 Come and share with us! We are looking forward to your joining! Songs: Young and beautiful Always on my mind When I was your man 22 Come away 【微信公众号:SWPU校园之声外语调频】