【VOC MONTH 03】About Waste

【VOC MONTH 03】About Waste

2017-11-12    32'27''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

85 1

Hostes: Bale Jen Guests: Dave Harrison Jenny Mario Mint Paul Wendy Editors: Mario Paul Wendy Nowadays , life is becoming more and more colorful. Maybe you are enjoying the comfortable life now. But, if you are aware that you are wasting something important , such as food , time and resources , what will you do about it ? Come and share your ideas with us . 生活很精彩,但当你享受舒适生活的同时是否也在也在浪费着一些东西呢?或许是时间,或许是资源。你将会怎么做?是继续浪费还是合理掌控?相信你一定有自己的答案。