【Brilliant Speech 09】Interesting People

【Brilliant Speech 09】Interesting People

2017-11-19    36'16''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

54 1

Hosts:Hopkins Vita Guests:Jennifer Tony Wendy Miss He Miss Luo Editor:Hopkins Good appearence is uniform, but an interesting soul is unique. those who can express themselves with great humor are thought to be interesting,while others may think interesting people are those who can solve all the difficulties whenever they get in troble easily. so what's your definition of "interesting people"?好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一。有人说有趣是能用幽默的语言侃侃而谈,也有人说有趣就是无论何时身处窘境,总能轻易化解。所以你对“有趣的人”的定义是什么?so come and share your opinions about "ineresting people", we are waiting for your distinctive ideas.