【Music Show 09】Run with the wind

【Music Show 09】Run with the wind

2017-11-20    44'49''

主播: SWPU校园之声外语调频

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Topic: Run with the wind Hosts:Nona Doggy Guests: Eric Wendy Siya Mint Siri Chihiro Dante Mia Editors: Doggy Orlando Run with the wind For health you better run, for tasks you better run, for a perfect figure,you better run. Dull run gets real high when accompanied with music,so come and share what you listen to when running. 来来来,打卡打卡打卡,咱们一起卸下所有负担,run with wind! run with music!每学期的打卡任务,你们完成的怎么样了!?每次打卡是不是有件东西不能忘记带!对对对,earphones。不跟着自己钟爱的音乐摇头晃脑,疯狂抖腿,甚至现场尬舞,那怎么能叫一次成功的打卡呢!快快快,来和我们分享一波你的running music歌单吧! come and share with us! we are waiting for you! Songs:《Taylor Swift- Gorgeous》 《Parson James - Sad Song》 《Ranz and Niana - New Jam》 《The Chainsomkers /Halssy- Closer》 《Noel Toto- Pam Pam》 《Matteo- Panama》 【微信公众号:SWPU校园之声外语调频】